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Sathya wavered to attend the call. Leaving it to ring until it snoozes off, she kept staring at the phone screen, blankly.

She felt so stupid for being this way but all she needed now is silence. Hiding is not her intention and it won't make sense, after all, he is her husband. The reason is Sathya was not that type of person who used to tell her problems but she knew Raghu was not someone to her.

When the phone again started ringing, she attends the call.
Raghu smiled from the other side, they usually talk at this time where Raghu come out for lunch.
"You are at home?" He asked looking at her background.

"Yes," she nodded. "I lost my job,"
Sathya said in a defeat.

"Don't joke," he smiled.

"No I am not joking, seriously I've lost my job," she told.
Seeing her distraught face Raghu identified the seriousness.

"How?" He asked knotting his eyebrows.

Sathya told everything that happened in the day, but she didn't cry, if she did then that means she is insulting her own confidence. As a grown-up adult Sathya knew when to be vulnerable and where to cry.

Raghu gazed Sathya, he was at the brighter side of the world and Sathya was now at the darker side. "I know you must be sad, but don't take this to your mind. You'll get a better job than this one, I believe in your talent, Sathya," he told and Sathya smiled to hear him. He sounded so calm like sweet music.

"Don't stress-out thinking about money. Until you find another job I will send money to your parents, okay," he said knowing Sathya was worried mostly because of her parents.

Sathya doesn't know what to speak, in an instant, Raghu took the highest spot in her heart. "Take this time for yourself, do whatever you want, and rest until I come home," he said.

"Okay?" He asked smiling.

"Hmm," she nodded having a small smile.

"Have you ate anything?" He added.

"No," she said.

"Then cook something delicious and have it. Sleep well tonight. Everything is going to be alright tomorrow," he made her calm.

"Hmm," Sathya replied without speaking. It is so tough to talk when your cry stuck in your throat.

"I am missing your food, I wish I could be there with you," Raghu said. Sathya wanted the same, if he was here then she could hug him and forget about the rest of things.

"I will talk to you tomorrow, don't worry about anything, okay," Raghu told and hang up the video call.

Sathya smiled and laid back on the bed. After talking to him she'd a new strength and courage to stand again.
She never thought he would have this side. Either it's love or support he is giving it more than what she expected from him, maybe she feels that way because no one's there in his place before and he proves it as a kindest and understanding person every time when she is hopeless and helpless. Now Sathya slowly realizing the purposes of marriage.

Later that night she cooked a bowl of delicious fried rice topped with spicy potato fry. She had it looking at the stars in the balcony. A gentle breeze and the sound of the electric train were the only companions.

She called her mom before going to bed and talked with her for some time. She doesn't want to make her poor parents worry for her so she didn't say anything that happened today.

She rested on the bed, hugging the pillow tightly thinking it as Raghu.
"Thank you," she mumbled in gratitude.

Next day Sathya tried not to feel for the past things, though it depressing one side, she determined to enjoy the days alone. In the morning when she opened her eyes at 5.00 am she couldn't fall asleep back. In that sleepy state, she realized there isn't a day she took for herself, there isn't a day she went out to explore herself because she never got that time and space. But she got it now so Sathya wanted to make use of it.

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