The Accident (Vanoss & Friends)

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Warning! I know next to nothing about Hockey, which is kind of funny considering I'm Canadian, so this story isn't going to be exactly correct when it comes to the game, but I'll try my best. Anyone out there who knows hockey stuff, correct me if I make any mistakes!

This story will also contain hints of H20vanoss, and it will be pretty short, it's only an introductory story just you can get an idea of what these short stories will be like.

Hockey. The famous stereotype is that all Canadians love hockey. While it's not true for all Canadians, it's true for Evan Fong. Evan is on a hockey team called the Aurora Tigers (a team he actually played for years ago), and he's been classified as the fastest player on the team. Tonight, he has a hockey game with his team against the Whiteriver Falcons (made up name). Evan invited his friends to come along and watch the game, they all got a free entry due to Evan being such a valuable player. They couldn't wait to get started...

"Dude this is gonna be so sick! What number is Evan again?" Tyler asked, holding a drink in his hand.

"He's number 8." (This is also true) Brock answered for him, smiling.

"Yeah, it was so nice of them to let us in for free due to being good friends with Evan, even though I still would have paid because, you know, it's Evan we're talking about here." Brian said. He was seated next to Brock who had a big smile on his face while he stared at the middle, waiting for the game to start.

Tyler was seated next to Marcel and began talking to him about how fast their Canadian friend is on the ice. Scotty sat next to Anthony, and Jonathan sat on the last seat by the isle. "Jon you're such a fanboy." Marcel teased, looking at the shirt Jonathan was wearing.

"Shut up Marcel! I just want to show that I support his team!" Jonathan was wearing a jersey from the Aurora Tigers team with the number '8' on the front and 'FONG' written above the number. His blue hoodie was on, but unzipped, so it would show of the jersey.

"Yeah yeah, fanboy." Marcel turned back towards the ice rink, smirking.

Jonathan was about to respond, when loud music sounded throughout the stadium and the players started to exit their change rooms. Jon was trying to spot his friend when Brian called out, "Hey, there's Evan! He's heading towards the middle of the rink!" Jonathan was able to spot him after that, smiling when he saw the 8 on the back of the Jersey.

The players all lined up in their respectful places, with Evan serving the puck. Jonathan could see Evan look up at the stands, spot him, smile, then focus on the game again. The puck was served, and Evan managed to grab it first, skillfully weaving between the players. "Evan Fong with the instant grab, look at him fly down the rink!" Jonathan smiled, hearing the loud intercom come on.

Evan was nearing the enemy's net, but he wasn't paying close enough attention to where he was going, as he ended up slamming into a player from the enemy team. There was a lot of 'ooohhh, ouch..' from the crowd. "Oh! Evan Fong has just collided with Dylan Hart! That looked like it hurt! The Falcons have the puck!" The intercom announced loudly while Jonathan looked on in worry, watching his friend slowly stand up and help the other player.

There didn't seem to be any injuries, so the two hockey players continued on their game. Evan zoomed down the rink, trying to catch the puck. "Man, that collision looked pretty rough, I hope Evan's alright." Brian stated from his seat, his voice had a worried tone to it.

"He's standing up and still going as fast as ever, he's fine." Tyler said back to Brian.

Meanwhile, Jonathan was on the edge of his seat, paying close attention to what Evan was doing. That collision made him worried even though Evan stood up perfectly fine. Just as the Canadian reached the enemy player with the puck, the Falcons managed to shoot on the net. "That's a goal for the Falcons!" The intercom announced, and voices from the crowd cheered.

Jonathan sighed, sinking back into his seat. He could see Evan looked a little bit frustrated, but carried on with the game. Now the Tigers had the puck, and it got passed to someone with the number 28. The person took it down the rink a bit slower than Evan had, making sure to watch where he was skating. 28 eventually passed it to Evan once they got to the Falcons net, and Evan took a shot. "That's a goal for the Tigers!" Jonathan and his friends all cheered loudly.

"Hell yeah Evan! Woooo!" Jon screamed. He could see Evan give him a little smirk from the rink, which caused the man to blush. He used his blue hoodie to hide it.

The Falcons now had the puck, and someone with the number 36 was speeding down the rink, not as fast as Evan, but he was still fast. Evan skated up ahead of him and tried to cut him off in order to steal the puck, but he must've miscalculated where the Falcon player was going to go, because they collided head on. This one looked bad.

Everyone on the further side of the rink gasped, some even screamed. Jonathan couldn't tell why until a player moved out of the way, just enough for Jon to see the blood on the rink. His eyes went wide. Someone was injured, someone from the collision. He frantically scanned around the crowd of players, trying to spot Evan.

There. Jonathan finally laid eyes on his best friend. Evan was holding his neck with pain visible on his face, hands covered in blood. Evan was bleeding. His neck was cut wide open. Jonathan instantly screamed. He leaped out of the stands and ran down the stairs, climbing over the barrier that separated the rink from the stands. He didn't care if he wasn't allowed on the ice, he needed to get to Evan.

Once he reached his destination, he got down on his knees next to Evan and held onto him, trying to help him up. Jonathan had tears coming out of his eyes as he watched his friend bleed out right in front of him. Many players from Evan's team were helping him stand, telling him to keep pressure on the wound and that everything was going to be okay.

Jonathan got pushed away, he was told to stay back because they needed room for paramedics. Jonathan stood on the middle of the ice, sitting in front of the pool of blood and watching as Evan slowly skated away, a trail of blood following from behind him. Jon was sobbing uncontrollably, his eyes completely blurred up from the tears.

His friends finally got to him, and helped him stand up, saying reassuring words to him. "Jonathan, come on, we need to leave. We'll be able to see Evan at the hospital, he's going to be okay..." Brian tried to say, but his voice cracked halfway through his sentence, and he too started to cry.

They escorted Jonathan out of the stadium, heading towards their cars. Tyler let Jon ride with him because he could tell how broken the man was right now.

Jonathan stared out the window, watching as they drove past cars and scenery. His mind was heading to the one place he didn't want to think about, but it was unfortunately a tragic possibility...

'Is Evan going to die?'

Hey again! Thanks for reading the first chapter of these short stories! Please give me suggestions for either another short story or a part 2 for this one in the comments below.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2019 ⏰

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