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That bus ride was the longest of my life, leaving Baltimore changing buses twice and ending up in New York City, kinda ironic actually I always said I wanted to come here, irony is a bitch, I Excited the bus 40 dollars and one life lighter and I was feeling the shallow disappointment, the station was cold and empty the few people about at this late hour were homeless drunk or just unfortunate, I fitted into two of those categories.

I made my way out onto the streets of new york city, Manhattan to be exact, I kept to the side street's the places that looked more shady and weren't filled with nicely dressed drunk tourists and fancy restaurants, my plan was to find a hostel or hotel, keep my hood up and my face hidden, then try to find work, keep adding to the money I have and then just keep going, I know it sucks but its all I have. 

I came onto the roughest street of all the ones Ive been down, windows boarded up graffiti covering the walls, dealers on the corners, I just wanted to run away and turn myself in, prison has go to be better than this, I walked down the road the whole way looking down at my feet and not paying attention to anything around me before long I had fallen flat on my face though not looking where I'm going, my eyes shot up quickly to a heavy set man covered in tattoo's running over to me from the other side of the street, fight or flight kicked in and I chose flight. 

Getting up as quickly as I could I looked around me for an excape route setteling on the ally to the side of me I ran down it into the darkness not being able to see where I was going, they alley seemed to go on forever and my legs buckeld under me causing me to trip over my feet again, I knocked my head against the pavement causing me to black out slighly, for a few seconds. 

"Well look what we have here Jim" A skinny late 40's looking man in a suit bent down beside me stroking his hand against the side of my face, I instantly flinched away pulling myself into a sitting position my arms wrapped protectively around my legs. 

"I dont know Chris but I just about reckon its our lucky night dont you?" Him and his friend broke out into a booming laugh moving to corner me, the skinnyer of the pair grabbed onto my arm and roughly pulled me to my feet letting me fall back against the wall. 

"only one problem with her really tho Jim" He leered at me ragging down my hood and letting my hair fall down. 

"I think I know what that is Chris too many clothes" I couldn't take it anymore I kicked out with all my force sending the skinny guy who must have been Jim to the ground, I tried to run but the bigger guy grabbed me around the waist and with his free hand slapped me with all his force. 

"where the fuck do you think your going you little Bitch your gonna pay for that" He pushed me to the floor and ripped off my hoodie leaving me cowering in fear of him. 

"Now at first we were going to be nice figured you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, but now when I'm done with you I'm going to kill you and leave your pathetic whores body to rot in this alley way by the time they find you it will be too late" All the fight went from my body and I excepted my fate, I was destined to die at the hands of an abusive disgusting male one way or another, I closed my eyes and waited to die all the while thinking of Alex, I waited and I waited but nothing happened, Instead the sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the air, I opened my eyes to see the same man who I had ran away from on the street the large man covered in tatto's his fist balled up and connecting with face of one of my attackers, he towered over both of them and I sat there and watched as they ran.

He turned to look at me great consern on his face, I could just tell by the way he looked at me he wasent going to hurt me but still I flinched away from him dragging myself along the floor, he crouched down to my eye level keeping his distance and holding a hand out to me.

Cant You See To Me Your Dead. (Remembering Sunday Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now