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There was a rumor going on around town about RedRuM and I Sapphire was going to figure out what it was. I know that people are like what kind of vacation is going to a murderous town. Well we are both passionate journalist and we love a good scare and a great story.

" Alright, bye daddy. I will see you in a few days. Dinner is in the freezer, along with breakfast and lunch or whatever. My number is on the fridge and Nates number iS there too."

" Damn. How old am I?"

" Not that old. I just...take care of yourself daddy."

" Yeah. You too kid."

" I will. I promise."

   And with that Sapphire heads out the door. It took her 3 hours to get there. Her fiancee walked out the house to grab her luggage.

" Hey babe, this place is kind of weird. Everyone looks so dull and out of it."

" I know right."

" Mmm looks like a great story to tell. I know right?"

He kissed her. Ten minutes they got ready to interview people. The people just slammed the doors in the pain. They retired and decided to do things again tomorrow.

    The morning came around and sapphire decided to take a run. She tightened her laces and then took off. She noticed this old man. He was pale and short and he seemed to be scared, shooken and out of it. He was everywhere she went. She took a break by a mailbox. He approached her.

" He doesnt want you here."

" Who doesn't?"

" He doesn't?"

" Who is he?"

" I've said to much already. Just be careful. He can smell new blood."

After that the man walked across the street. I ran back home.

" Baby we have to go."

" What? Why?"

" This old man walked up to me and said that he doesn't want us here."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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