Road Rage

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Amaya: Where are you guys?

Garret: Stuck behind a semi-truck...

Amaya: Can't you pass it?

Garret: Tried, it won't let us.

Amaya: Ugh.

Garret: No big deal.

Garret: We're only a few minutes behind you.

Amaya: 😘😘😘

Garret: What's the plan once we get to the beach?

Amaya: Well...

Amaya: It's raining, so I don't know?

Garret: We should go to that restaurant you like, what's it called?

Garret: The one on the water across from the donut place.

Amaya: Jackie's Crab Shack?

Garret: Yes!

Amaya: Ooh!

Amaya: Perfect!

Garret: They have the best fish and chips!

Amaya: And tuna steak!

Garret: Ugh!

Amaya: I thought you liked tuna steak?

Garret: I do, it's just this semi driver is acting like a complete dick!

Amaya: That sucks.

Garret: We tried to pass him again and he nearly pushed us off the road!

Amaya: Yikes.

Amaya: Tell Bryce to slow down.

Amaya: It's not worth it.

Amaya: People and their road rage...

Garret: Yeah.

Garret: Too bad Bryce isn't having it.

Garret: He's trying to pass him again.

Garret: 🙄

Amaya: Want me to ask Janelle to speed up?

Garret: HOLY CRAP!

Amaya: What?

Amaya: Are you okay?

Garret: NO!

Garret: The truck driver pushed us off the road!

Garret: Bryce and I spun out in a freaking field!

Amaya: WHAT?

Garret: Yeah.

Amaya: Hang on, we're going to catch up to you guys.

Garret: No!

Garret: Don't!

Garret: I don't want you and Janelle anywhere near this guy.

Garret: Best to stay in as far in front of him as possible.

Amaya: Wait, does the semi have a black cab with red and orange streaks?

Garret: Yeah, it looks like it has flames coming out of the front and spilling out over the side.

Amaya: It's right behind us.

Amaya: It's practically up our trunk!

Garret: Okay, I changed my mind!

Garret: I think you two should pull over.

Amaya: Agreed.

Garret: We'll pull up behind you, wait a few minutes, and then get back on the road together.

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