tip thirteen; topics

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focus on the harder subtopic, topic or subject and once you get the hang of it move onto the topic you find easier and simply just revise and test yourself on that.

there's no point in studying what you're already confident on; try revise and learn things that are challenging for you. of course, you shouldn't ever forget the basics either because everything is equally as important.

once you know the basics off the back of your hand, you have a strong base. after that, you can start learning the harder parts of the subtopic or go onto learning college and university levelled stuff about that topic.

think of learning like a wall or the foundations for building a house, if the starting is not right and strong, the other bricks (information) or layers on top of the base will be weak and there'll be no point in learning anything in the first place.

so, make sure to memorise every basic thing as well as the more complex things, it'll take some time but it's worth it.

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