Little White Lies

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Louis is feeling exhilarated after a great interview where he was asked fan questions. Harry was there, as always, watching from the side, giving him encouraging smiles as he answered questions. He is always so supportive, and Louis couldn't ask for a better husband to build his life with. He thought it was strange when Harry slipped out early, but figured he just had a work call he needed to attend to. Louis walks through the entryway of their home, glancing around for any sign of the younger man.

"Harry! Are you here?" Louis asks, hanging his keys on the hook and toeing off his shoes. The quiet that answers him almost feels eerie. He knows his husband is here, he would have texted him otherwise. Louis goes further into the house, looking in the living area and kitchen before he makes his way upstairs, finding no signs of his curly haired husband, even if his curls are much shorter now.

"Harry?" With slow, measured steps, Louis makes his way into their bedroom. The large room is dim, only the lamp on the bedside table serving as any type of illumination. He knows that he turned it off before they left. He is sure of it. His crease in his brows deepen in confusion when he sees something laying on the bed, certain he didn't leave anything there earlier. As he gets closer to the bed, he can make out more details of the item, long and a dark maroon colour. It looks familiar, but he still isn't sure what it is.

"What the fuck?" Louis asks, to no one in particular, running his finger down the dark red material of the braces. He hadn't seen them in years. They had been buried deep inside their closet, never to see the light of the day again, along with Harry's blazers and bowties. It's just sort of weird that they are laying out on the bed after he talked about them in an interview today. It was really the first time they had been brought up in years. He had completely forgotten about them, but apparently his husband hadn't.

"Did you miss them?" Louis' head snaps up at the sound of Harry's voice coming from the bathroom. He knows that tone, a shiver going down his spine and straight into his hardening dick. Harry is wearing exactly what he was dressed in earlier, dark trousers and a dark button down shirt. He decided against wearing his normal clothes, not wanting to draw attention to himself. He still looks incredibly sexy, and the fact that he is still wearing his shiny dress shoes turns Louis on even more for some reason. Fuck. Louis is getting distracted. Harry asked him a question, and he needs to answer.

"Fuck no. They were horrendous," Louis responds, finally, his voice coming out high and breathy, looking back at the braces laid out on the bed, presumably by his husband. He isn't sure what Harry is getting at, but he thinks it could be fun. Harry is still walking slowly towards Louis, an almost predatory look in his green eyes, making Louis feel almost raw and exposed even though he is still wearing all of his clothing. His body feels hot and his breathing has shallowed substantially. He feels like his answer was defiant, but he can't for the life him understand why or how.

"I believe the word you used today was 'tragic'," Harry says, using four long ringed fingers to quote the final word. He sounds pissed, and Louis shivers in anticipation. Harry is looming ever closer, his body tall and strong, radiating power. Louis wants to whimper, but he won't. Not yet.

"That's 'cause they were," Louis insists, hissing when Harry presses his hard body against Louis' back. Louis moans when he feels Harry's hard dick straining against his arse. He can feel Harry's breath on his neck, but he isn't touching him with his hands. That is real tragedy. Louis freezes when Harry reaches around him, watching as he slowly picks up the dark red braces with intent.

"You know these are quite special to me," Harry starts conversationally. Louis' eyes snap to Harry's, but Harry averts his gaze, looking down at the braces that look small in his large hands. Fuck. Louis licks his lips, wanting desperately to suck on those fingers, feel them between his lips. His attention snaps back to Harry full lips when he continues, his tone still conversational, "I fell in love with you while you were wearing these. You called them 'tragic' and said you wish we would have told you."

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