Chapter 3 ~ The Viper's Den

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"So now what, bad lady?" Barren asked as they strolled through the bustling streets. Well, Barren was strolling, and Frigid was marching.

"I told you to stop calling me that," Frigid hissed back. Already, she was regretting her decision to bring the idiotic SandWing along.

"Whatever you say," Barren grinned, and when she turned away, muttured 'bad lady' under his breath.

"Listen to me carefully," Frigid ordered, having ont heard Barren's quiet remark over the sounds of the crowd. "Our mission will not be easy. I have been sent to kill-"

She was cut off by a gasp from Barren. "YOU WERE SENT HERE TO KILL SOMEONE!" he shouted. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!"

"Because of you weakling moral sensibilities," Frigid replied. "Feel free to run away now."

"WHY WOULD I RUN AWAY?" Barren shouted back. "KILLING IS AWESOME!"

Frigid blinked at him. While she didn't mind ending the lives of others, she didn't love it either. The SandWing, however, seemed exited by the prospect.

"That is...nice," the hybrid muttered. "So everything is fine? You are okay with the mission?"

"Did you just say mission? Ha HA!"

"What is so funny about the word mission?"


By then, other dragons were beginning to give the pair some odd looks, attracted by the sound of Barren's yelling.

"Stop it!" Frigid growled, hurrying ahead.

"WHYYYYYYYYYY?" Barren complained, catching up to her easily. "Mission is a hilarious word."

"I was not aware that is was even a part of your vocabulary at all," Frigid shot back, glaring the whole while.

"Why, thank you," the SandWing replied sarcastically. Or at least, she thought he was being sarcastic. "That's probably the first thing you've ever told me that resembles compliment."

"And it will probably be the last, too," Frigid replied. "Now be quiet!"

"Uh, nooooooo," Barren sang. "You have to say the magic word first."

"What is this 'magic word' exactly?" Frigid asked, purposely not looking him in the eye.

"WHAT?! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THE MAGIC WORD IS? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Barren shook his head in disbelief.

"Nothing," she announced primly. "Now I would like to know what you mean, or else."

Barren stared at her for a second, stupefied, before turning to observe the nearby stalls. After a few more seconds, he began whistling in an extremely annoying high-pitched way.

"WHAT 'MAGIC WORD' DO YOU SPEAK OF?!" Frigid yelled, her eyes blazing. A few nearby shoppers quickly edged away from them, scared away by the angry assassin.

Barren continued whistling for a moment, before turning to her. "When you tell me the magic word, I'll tell you what it is."

"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHAT IT IS IF YOU DON'T TELL ME?!" By now Frigid looked downright murderous, and even Barren began to look a tad nervous.

" try guessing?" 

Frigid's voice went quiet. "Tell me what it is right now, or I will dismember you right here and now."

"Now hold on a second," Barren cautioned. "Where's your sense of humor?"

"I don't have a sense of humor, SandWing," the hybrid growled. "Now answer my question."

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