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     This book is more of a journal type, sort of a character x reader. (a journal x writer for me, obviously)

     I have pseudohallucinations that occur in the dark, mostly at night, I consider these hallucinations images, because I'm aware they aren't real. I see incredible things at night. Things that fuel my imagination and could entertain me for hours. As a person who also has a daydreaming disorder (Maladaptive Daydreaming,) it is very easy for me to waste time entertaining myself in my own little world, it seems as though I have constant inspiration, but there is something evil about my conditions as well, I'm so caught up in my own little fantasy world, I forget about reality and how I actually have a life I need to live, I've wasted hours upon hours of my life in a world I will never manifest, but this book isn't about my daydreams, this book is about the hours of sleep I lose watching the astonishingly pretty images that my mind creates in the air for me.

     The best thing about having these daydreams and pseudohallucinations, is that when I finish school and college I want to be a writer and an abstract artist. I like expressing these feelings and sights to other people so they can have an understanding, and that they can experience some of it too. I hope you find my words interesting.

Much love,
Your friend, Bebe.

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