Chapter 3

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Holy Awkwardness

Justine, a permanently red-faced and plump auburn-haired woman and maker of the world's greatest grilled cheese sandwiches, puts a hand on my shoulder. "So I hear your ex-baby-daddy made a scene at lunchtime."

"My Lord, Justine, you are the master of tact," Serena says, shaking her head.

"Why beat around the bush when you can just run through it with a tractor?" To me, Justine says, "Apparently, he confessed that he still loves you, though you smashed his heart into smithereens."

I flinch. "You truly have a delicate way with words."

"Do you need to take the rest of the day off? You might find this hard to believe, but back in my day, when I was 40 pounds lighter and my tits weren't down to my knees, I broke quite a few hearts. So I understand what it's like to deal with exes who still have lingering feelings."

"What are you talking about, boss? You're still a babe."

"No one likes a suck-up, Ivy. So do you want to take off?"

"Nah, I'll finish my shift. But thanks for the offer."

In a low voice, Serena asks, "Are you sure about that? Because guess who's coming for dinner and sitting at a table in your section."

"What?" When I turn and see Logan sipping a glass of water, I can't help exclaiming, "Fuck!" Evidently, God has decided that I haven't met my quota for awkward interactions today.

"Do you want me to take his order?" Serena asks.

"No, no, no. I'll suck it up and act like a mature adult." Or at least try my damnedest to.

"Man, I would like to take a bite of that sausage, if you know what I mean," Justine says.

Serena rolls her eyes. "A dead mushroom would know what you mean. And for God's sake, do you not possess one sensitive bone in your body?"

None too quietly, my boss calls after me as I walk away, "Good luck talking to your ex, Ivy! I'll give you a piece of apple pie on the house after you're done with your shift!"

Justine March—the world's most embarrassing boss.

After reminding myself to put on a poker face, I take out my notepad, avoiding Logan's piercing green eyes. "Hello, how may I help you today?"

"Does this diner happen to serve the cure for a broken heart?"

Oh Jesus. "No, but I hear our apple pie can lift the spirits."

"How can you stand there cracking stupid jokes? Do you know how much I've worried about you over the last few months? For the longest fucking time, I thought someone kidnapped you or hurt you!"

Do you know how much I've longed for you? For the longest time, I thought I would never get over you. I still haven't. "I had my reasons for leaving."

"Then fucking tell me."

God, I want to. I want to tell you everything and you to forgive me and to have you rip off my clothes on top of this table—public decency be damned—and to kiss you till my last breath leaves my body. But... "I can't."

He clenches his jaw. "No, you can. But you won't."

Ignoring the ache in my chest, I ask, "What do you want to order?"

He glares at me. "Just give me a bowl of chicken noodle soup and some mac and cheese."

With false cheerfulness, I say, "Coming right up!"

When I walk toward the kitchen, Justine pats my back. "I'll give you two apple pies before you go home."

Justine March—also the world's coolest boss.

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