Chapter 13 (Catherine)

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The pain in my stomach continues to worsen as I lie unmoving on the floor. It hurts to move and over the past few hours I have started to fade in and out of consciousness. I suspect that since I angered Hook, he has decided to punish me by starving me.

And he's doing a pretty good job of it.

Lance hasn't been to see me since our last conversation. In his place, a portly older man by the name of Smee has been coming to bring me water. He's a kind little man; a bit lost at times but otherwise very sweet. He talks to me every time he comes and always promises to try and sneak some extra water or some food scraps. He has succeeded only twice, and both times I have noticed that he didn't get away with it unscathed.

Each day my condition has worsened, and each day Mr. Smee has been bending the rules a little by entering my cell and helping me drink the water ration he brings.

"Come on, sweet heart. Ya need ta drink this. Ya gotta keep your strength up best ya can," he encourages every time he comes to help me.

I sigh and wince at the pain I feel when I move. The boys surely must have realized by now that I'm missing. I just wish they would hurry up and get here already. At this point, I probably wouldn't even mind if Pan was the one to carry me out of here.

I feel a pang when I think this. I actually miss him. More than I would like to admit. I actually kind of wish he was here now.

As I'm lost in my thoughts, I don't notice when Mr. Smee enters my cell or when he lifts the small cup of water he brought to my lips.

When I have a hard time swallowing and the water just trickles down my chin and away from my mouth, Mr. Smee says what he usually does. "Come on, sweet heart. Ya need ta drink this. Ya gotta keep your strength up best ya can."

I nod weakly and do my best to get the water to go down my dry throat. When I still struggle getting the water down, he stands and says, "Oh dear. I better go tell Cap'an that you can' even drink any water."

He then hurries from the room. When he returns, he's huffing along behind a very angry Captain Hook. "What's this I'm hearing about you not being able to drink the water that I have so graciously decided to grant you?" he asks angrily.

I try to speak, but my throat is so dry that I can barely say a thing. "How do you expect me to drink anything if I don't even have the strength to lift my head due to lack of food?" I whisper.

"Well unfortunately for you dearie, you won't be gettin' anything to eat until you agree to my terms," he says.


"Have it your way then," he says and then turns to Mr. Smee. "I don't want you to come to me about her condition any more, do I make myself clear Mr. Smee?"

"But Cap'an..."

"Mr. Smee," he snaps, glaring hard at the poor, blithering man.

"Yes, Cap'an," Mr. Smee concedes.

Hook nods approvingly and then leaves the little room without another word.

"Oh dear," Mr. Smee exclaims for the second time before I once again fall into unconsciousness.


I feel myself being shaken. I have no idea by who, just that I am being shaken. The hands on my shoulders are gentle but firm in a desperate attempt to wake me up. But the thing is, I don't want to wake up. I just want to sleep. I'm just so tired and I try to tell whoever is shaking me this, but they refuse to relent.

After a while the shaking stops and I'm relieved.

"I'm sorry Cat, but its for your own good," I hear a distant voice says right before something ice cold drenches my entire body.

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