Chapter 5

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Dc POV- so I went upstairs because I had to use the bathroom. While I was going upstairs I heard the words "close your mouth before I stick something in it". So I went and open what I think was airi door and seen tray man out and airi mouth open. ( Bad picture 😂😂). Airi was You about to suck him up why we was downstairs. Damn y'all just don't care huh
Tray- First, you need to learn how to knock. second, no she wasn't she was trying me and I had to show her ass.
Airi- exactly you black burnt string bean
Dc- you ain't got to be that mean I apologize
Airi- apology accepted now get out
Airi POV- so when tray whipped out his dick of course I was shock it was big and long Only thing I could do was hold my mouth open. Next thing you know tray said close my mouth before he stick something in it and dc bust in the room making all theses assumptions. I'm so embarrassed 😩.
Tray POV- as you know I whipped out my dick and all airi did was hold her mouth open. Then string bean dc open the door and I hurry to put my man up and than dc started talking his shit to airi so I had to put him in his place. Than airi kick him out but I stop him before got all the way out the room.
Tray- wait dc
Dc- huh
Tray- don't speak on this to nobody promise
Dc- alright I promise
Airi- no pinky promise
Dc and airi and dc and tray pinky promise
Nobody POV- dc finally goes to the bathroom. Airi and tray walk downstairs and everybody start looking at them weird.
Airi- y'all can't stop the looks no we didn't do anything
Kayla and whit- yeah because if you did you would tell us right.
Airi- right
Than dc came downstairs
Kayla- what took you so long I thought you had to pee
Brian- he was up there taking a number 2
Dc- shut up baby legs you to Kayla
Kayla- you ain't talking to me sorry
Dc- I'm not about to argue with you
Kayla- yeah because you know better
Dc- please
Kayla- keep playing with me
Dc-ain't played with you just wait
Tray- cut that nasty freaky shit what y'all trying to do
Ron- Fr because a nigga is bored
Whit- let's play truth or dare
Brian- ok airi truth or dare
Airi-dare duh
Brian- I dare you to rub on dc chest
Airi- I'm good I will rub on tray chest
Tray- it's good it's just for the game
Airi- ok
Rubs dc chest with a eww look on her face
Tray- Brian truth or dare
Brian- truth
Tray- is it true you got a problem with anybody in the gang
Brian- yeah
Everybody gasp
Airi- who
Brian- you because I fell like you taking my closet friend away from me
Airi- I would never I don't want to play no more
Dc- I know you sad or whatever but you sound like a little bitch right now
Ron- no cap
Whit- y'all shut up y'all
Tray- bro for one I'm not fake like that and me and airi barely be together
Airi- I'm sorry I would never want to do anything like that
Brian- it's ok I don't know what got into me
Tray- airi don't be sorry and Brian I don't know what's got into you neither u never Said that to any other girl I brought around and airi not even my girlfriend yet (winks at airi)
Brian- I'm sorry
Airi- tray this is not the time to be flirting
Dc- for real bro
Tray- dc shut your ass up
Dc- yes daddy
Ron- hell naw you gay asf
The girls laughed
Dc- and y'all can shut up
Tray- you not talking to my airi berry
Airi- starts blushing
Ron- you not talking to this one either nigga (points at Whitney)
Kayla- and Ik you not talking to me
Brian- yeah you not talking to them
Dc- alright y'all got it tonight just cause I'm sleepy can we stay here tonight
The girls yeah but we only got one extra room
Brian- I call it
Ron- I'm in Whitney bed
Whitney- I guess
Airi- dc you in my bed
Tray looks confused
Airi- I'm just playing you know my tray tray in my bed
Tray- yeah licks his lips at airi
Airi starts blushing
Dc- so that mean I'm in Kayla bed
Kayla or not we got a couch....
everybody ouu
Kayla- I'm jp come on goodnight family
Everybody goodnight family
In airi room
Airi- goodnight tray tray
Tray- goodnight my beautiful baby girl
Airi- umm I like the way that sound "baby girl"
Tray- good that's going to be your name soon
Airi- o really
Tray- yeah kisses airi forehead
Airi- sweet dreams
In Kayla room-
Kayla- Goodnight ba- I mean dc
Dc- you can say it goodnight bae
In Whitney room
Ron -goodnight lil mama
Whitney- goodnight lil papi
Both start laughing
Hope y'all enjoy this chapter more to come

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