Those Frickin' Romans

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Percy snuck around the corner of the barracks, looking for wherever they put his stuff. These people were familiar to him, but he couldn't quite sort out in his memories if they were allies or enemies. In his dreams, which he had a feeling he would rely on a lot here, they were a bit of a blurred line. Except for Reyna. She was definitely a friend. 

Maybe if he could just find her, she would help him. He stretched out with his hearing, looking for her voice. She was talking to several other people, and by what he could tell it was about him. 

"--from the other camp," someone was saying. "The conversation was very confusing, I don't think they understood what we were trying to say. They kept saying they were looking for Percy, but they wouldn't listen when we said he was with us."

"Where is he now?" Reyna asked. "Is he still with his friends? They should all be in the sick bay. Dakota, go make sure all of their stuff is still secure with Terminus."

"I'll go with you," a voice broke in. Percy's eyes widened. He definitely knew that voice. The new Praetor of New Rome, Frank Zhang. "Terminus can be difficult, and I'll provide any coercing you need," Frank said, sounding determined. 

Percy heard pounding footsteps and labored breathing before the door slammed against the wall as it was thrown open. 

"He's gone," someone panted. Percy cursed under his breath. He was running out of time. He stopped listening and sprinted towards where the conversation had been happening. With any luck, Frank and Dakota would still be checking his equipment with Terminus. If they made him summon it just to make sure, Percy could ambush them and take his things before hightailing it out of there.

He slowed down and peeked his head out around a corner. He saw Frank and Dakota both hustling towards the barrier where Terminus would show up. Checking either direction, he put on an extra burst of Hermes' speed to catch up without attracting attention. 

They made it to the barrier and waited for a minute before Frank growled in annoyance and stepped across. Terminus immediately arrived, demanding annoyingly that Frank give him all of his weaponry.

"Shut up, Terminus," Frank said tersely. "Do you still have all of the visitors' equipment?"

Terminus huffed haughtily. "Of course I have it, you dim-wit. Do you doubt my abilities as a god? It's because I don't have hands, isn't it? Well, let me tell you, young demigod, I can perform my duties perfectly--"

"Terminus!" Frank roared. "I'm sorry to antagonize you, but against Percy Jackson, I'm afraid that I doubt everyone's abilities. Please, just summon all of their stuff so we can take stock, alright?"

Percy smirked.

"Alright, alright. I'll allow that talk from you, but only because you're a respectable Praetor and Hero of Rome. Here it is," Terminus said.

All of his equipment suddenly appeared in a pile in front of them. Percy's gaze narrowed to his bag and his trident. Everything else he could get later. As soon as they started going through it to make sure none of it was gone, he shot forward with his powers again. He still had yet to get tired from using his abilities; he would have to test his limits sometime, maybe later.

Frank and Dakota were on the ground a split second later, unconscious. Terminus gasped in outrage as Percy snatched his trident and his bag, sprinting off in the other direction before he could react. 

The only place that Percy knew how to get to in New Rome was the Field of Mars, so that's where he went. He burst into the open and skidded to a stop when he saw the entirety of the 12th Legion waiting for him. Behind them lay the exit.

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