Prologue: A Whole New Chapter is Written

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The picture is what Elora looks like

Once upon a time, there was a man who died.
The man's work was writing and telling of stories.
But he could not defy death
The story he was working on was about a brave and very handsome prince
Who fell deeply in love with a beautiful and kind maiden
The prince promised that they will be happily together for the rest of their lives
The raven, who sought out to claim the young maidens heart interrupts their happily ever after
The prince vanquishes the crafty raven
But now, it seems their battle will go on for eternity
As the poor young maiden watches hopelessly
I'm sick and tired of this, cried the raven
I'm sick and tired of this, cried the prince
I'm sick and tired of this, cried the young maiden as well
The raven escapes from the pages of the story, and the prince pursued the fell creature
The young maiden followed as well
Before the raven could take the prince, the maiden jumped in the way, being grabbed instead
Before being taken away completely, the maiden screamed her undying love for the prince
I'm the end, the prince took out his own heart and used it to seal the raven away by using a forbidden power. His princess, nowhere to be found
Just then, a murmur came from somewhere
This is great, said the man who was supposed to have died

A bell tolls as it rung through the air of the dark forest. Fog quickly began to roll in, so thick that you could barely see the trees.

At a small lake, a little sound of a duck could be heard as she slowly swam by. She can hear the faint sound of soft ballet music playing as the water began to ripple.

In the distance, stood the silhouette of two people, a male and female, dancing gracefully.

'I want, I want to dance with them too.' The duck thought as she gazed at the two dancing with grace. 'With the prince and the princess.'

'But I'm a duck, in voice and looks, just a duck! I can't even dance with them, I can't even hold their hands.'

The duck gazes at their eyes, 'And even though they are together their eyes always look so sad. Like their dance is their last.'

Won't you smile? Be happy with each other?

The ducks eyes fell with sorrow as she watched the princess being torn away from the prince's embrace. The prince's hand stayed outstretched as a single tear trailed down his cheek. The prince continued to dance in sadness, eyes covered with loneliness for his princess who has never returned to his awaiting arms.

"Well, well, you care for them don't you? A little duck like you?" A strange voice rang though the foggy setting.

The duck turned around only to be met with insanely wide eyes.
The sun shined brightly as a gentle breeze rustled the trees. The soft sound of shoes walking across the pavement broke through the peaceful air.

A young teenage girl hummed a tune as she walked towards her destination, her chocolate brown hair trailing gracefully behind her as her beautiful honey gold eyes shined with excitement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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