The Fruits bear in You, Lord Jesus!

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God forgives.

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

in repentance, Oh, yes, indeed, Lord,
You forgive my many sins, transgressions, and iniquities, whether it was made knowingly or unknowingly. You have forgiven.

Because I confessed and so look:
Your undeserving love, grace, and mercy found me.

You held me, Lord, and You carried me up.

"Then I confessed my sins to you;
I did not conceal my wrongdoings.
I decided to confess them to you,
and you forgave all my sins.
For whoever the Son sets free is free indeed. (John 8:36)

And look: not once have You left me either..
Not once has He left any of us, No!

Oh, How Great and wonderful and glorious is Your love, God.

Let us be the one crying in reverent fear with our faces dropped down, all in Your presence, Lord God!
Coming forth on to your beautiful glorious feet of salvation that our eyes are not even worthy to look at!!!!

You ARE Great AND Mighty,
Oh, Holy One!

Great is Your Name!
Great are You!
Yes, Glorious God.
Praise You, indeed!

There is so much to do and to bring forth unto God's glory even more!
Further(not farther) into being!
His being to bring on to the people's lives with the One living in us all, amen.

With our faith in Christ, all things are made possible with God, for He is by our side through all things we face, indeed, yes, He is.
(ref. Mrk. 10:27, Mthw. 19:27, Lk. 1:37,
Ph. 4:13, Is. 41:10)

Blessed be the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ forever and always, amen.

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