The Yellow Sheep

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A blonde teenager lays on the closet floor he calls a room, his blood as plentiful as clothing on his skin.

"Jaune, get your ass up to make dinner," his mother screamed at him as he lifted himself up from the blood spilled from the beating he received by his sisters not even 5 minutes ago.

"Hurry up, or we will put you in the dishwasher again!" His father yelled, making Jaune limp faster. Despite the pain coursing his legs as plentiful as he had blood, he made it there.

"Rolls, stew, and cookies for dinner tonight. Get on it, dog!" His mother said, making him press his puma ears farther into the top of his head. He got out the cookbook and got out the rolls recipe started.

"There here!" Yelled the youngest of Jaune's sisters about something that he had no clue about. His parents ran to the front door and opened it.

"Hello Girah, Kali, how are you today." Asked Jaune's father.

"Just fine Jack, how is Mary?" Girah asked shaking the blonde's hand.

"Ask her yourself." Jack said, stepping aside to reveal his wife.

"My Mary, how many children and you look amazing. How do you do it?" Girah asked jokingly.

"Helps being a huntress," she replied, hugging the man, as she let them in.

"No, but seriously. I tried to stay in shape with blake but couldn't. How?" Kali asked, smiling and making the two women laugh.

Jaune was putting the rolls in the oven, when he saw the Belladonnas walk into the adjacent living room. He quickly peeked out raising an eyebrow towards his father, to which he nodded.

"Excuse me miss," Jaune asked almost fearfully but covered it up. The apron he had on covering his bloodied clothing.

"Yes sweetie?" Kali asked in a sweet voice.

"I was wondering if you liked fish?" Jaune asked making both Jack and Girah pissed.

"JAUNE," Jack started.

"No, it's not that." Jaune said lowering his head and cowering in fear. The Belidonas looked on still pissed, not noticing the extra set of ears on the top of his head. "I like fish a lot and I don't know if it is a universal thing." Jaune said quickly, pointing towards his puma ears.

"Ohh, that is sweet." Kali said with genuine passion, as Girah looked like he wasn't going to beat the liver out of the boy. "no, Blake absolutely loved tuna though."

"Would you like some in the stew tonight?" Jaune asked.

"No, Girah here has a passion for flounder. Can you make that work?" Kali asked.

"Of course." Jaune said, bowing slightly and backing away. Charming Kali.

"Now, to guarding my home..." Girah said, starting the political side of the meeting. As Jaune started on the cookie dough. And the broth for the stew, using the bones of a flounder in a crock pot. Making a flavorful broth with potatoes and other vegetables from Vale.

"How soon?" Mary asked, frowning. "Bastard," she whispered at the end, not wishing for her guests to hear her snide remark to her 'son'.

"Ready by 7, 7:15 at most." Jaune replied, taking out the cookie dough and getting the rolls out.

"Better be," Mary ordered walking away.

'Why did I have to be a slave, a punching bag, and a stress reliever?' Jaune asked himself, stirring the stew as the cookies were baking.

"Set the table!" Mary yelled to Jaune as he did not hesitate to go ahead and do as he was told. He started but the oven beeped, telling him that the cookies were done. He ran over to make sure they were perfect.

"Why isn't the table set!" Jack yelled at Jaune.

"The-" Jaune started, but was interrupted by his father holding him by his apron and throwing him towards the stairs.

"Girls you handle the bastard, Julia you finish setting the table." Jack ordered as the girls dragged Jaune off to their room. He knew what was coming but he didn't struggle, the beating would last longer if he did.

"Jaune, we have a new toy~" one of the sisters said, while another gagged him. The next Jaune knew there was fire dust being put on his wounds. Jaune's voice screamed as his wounds were cauterized far past the point of helping his wounds.

"Now, for the ice." The leader said, putting ice dust everywhere but his wounds. Acting as an icy hot. Jaune had stopped screaming as tears fell from his eyes, sound being impossible for him.

Back at dinner

"By god, your boy can cook." Said Kali, barely restraining herself from scarfing the stew down.

"Not as good as my beef stew though." Mary said, not letting the boy get rewarded.

"This is the best stew I have ever had. Where is the boy?" Asked Girah, suddenly wishing to praze the boy. 

"He is... busy right now. We will relay your praises." Jack said. Meanwhile Jaune was being shoved into his closet.

"Now don't come out." The eldest sister ordered. Shutting the door and locking it from the outside. Jaune simply sat in the corner of the room and cried. He cried until he finally decided to just leave.

"Where will I go? When will they let me go?" Jaune asked himself.

"You have to run away, I would rather be anywhere than here," Jaune thought. Formulating a plan in the darkness. When he had figured it out he heard his door unlock, Jack walked in and dragged Jaune by the collar to his office.

"You deserve a reward for the cooking earlier, here it is." Jack said as the door closed. The sound of a zipper and crying could be heard until there was silence.

Jaune had let his father do as he pleased and waited till the pervert fell asleep. 

"Now's my chance," Jaune thought, grabbing the family's armor and iconic sword and shield from his father's room. He then opened the door, making sure to be quiet, and walked to the attic. It was a common oasis for him. He saw the window and he opened it, and jumped out. Breaking his leg, but the pain was a common occurrence for him. He then ran out to the forest by his house, disappearing towards Vale.

'And I ran from my issues... the only thing I knew.'

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