Chapter 1

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I stared into the vlog camera and turned on my mega watt smile. Something I had inherited from my mom.  I flipped up the screen so I could see myself from the camera's view. My finger pressed the record button and soon the red light was flashing. 

"Hi! Welcome to my channel! My name is Hazel Grace Marin! I am the middle child of the only surviving septuplets in the world! My mom is the world known designer Kanti Marin and my dad is the famous NASA engineer Sean Marin. I have 11 siblings all together and this is my crazy life! 

I am starting my senior year in high school this august and I am extremely excited. My family calls us septuplets the sevens. My mom is Native American and my dad is Irish-British with one bloody cool accent! They are polar opposite inside and out! Because of this our family is all over the map, but we all have a round nose and freckles across our nose. 

So, let me explain my siblings. There is no single sibling. There is a set of twins, the septuplets, and a set of triplets. The twins are girls. Their names are Clementine and Willow and they are 22. They just graduated college. Clementine is a painter and photographer. Her art is amazing! Willow is a dancer for the New York Ballet and on the side she has created her own monthly box subscription company for perfume, lotion, and jewelry.  I am so beyond proud of how well those two are doing. Next are the septuplets, or as I will be calling the from now on, the sevens. There are four boys and three girls. The girls are technically identical. We all have the same hair color, eyes, skin, and all but we are all polar opposites which makes us that much better. 

We start with Abilene. She goes by Abi and is extremely smart. She is the valedictorian of our class and has always been the smartest of all seven of us. She has won multiple academic decathlons and the national spelling bee 3 times in a row. She is also an extremely good distance swimmer. Next we have Kai and Cedar Jay or CJ. They look very similar and act the same. Kai is older than CJ. The only difference between Kai and CJ is their hair. Next comes little old me, Hazel. I am often described as the medium of all my siblings. We will get into that later though. After me is Phoenix. Phoenix is the odd ball and the jokester of the family. All my siblings either have blonde or brown hair, but Phoenix inherited my paternal grandmother's fiery red hair. But that never distracts Phoenix. Kai, CJ, and Phoenix are insanely enough considered the "popular" boys at school. They are truly your stereotypical "player". They have a different girl every week, Kai and CJ excel in football while Phoenix excels in cross country. They all are apart of the lacrosse team. They throw the craziest parties. They are just all around insane, but so so kind hearted. AND OVERPROTECTIVE! Don't even get me started on how overprotective they are of Abi, Raven, and I. Oh, which brings me to Raven! Raven is the second youngest of the sevens and considers herself to hate the world and love black! She is your typical "goth" girl. Too much eye makeup, hates the world, wears all black. She even dip dyed the ends of her hair black. Other than all this she, Abi, and I are, like I said before, identical. Lastly, but certainly not least we have Oliver! Oliver and I are best friends! Oliver has autism, but it never slows him down! He is so smart and is amazing at drawing. Oliver is what motivates me to keep going when things get tough. Oliver and I will just still in the art studio sometimes and visit as he draws and I paint.  Oliver doesn't like to be touched other than the rest of the sevens and mom. He throws very large tantrums when he gets upset and normally Mom and I are the only ones who can calm him down the most. The doctors say this could be because we were very close to each other in the womb. I enjoy spending time with Oliver. We all go to the same high school, which I am so thankful for. At our high school we have a separate building for teenagers like Oliver where they can learn to survive on their own in the real world once they graduate. It is so awesome! 

Now that we have gone over the septuplets. We have the triplets, 2 girls and one boy. Denver, Farley, and Cephas. Cephas is the guy. They are 16 and are truly something else. Denver and Farley are identical and you cannot tell them apart. They are always getting into trouble and have the best pranks. 

My family gets along so well it is a blessing. But don't let that make you believe we don't fight with each other. Just yesterday Kai, CJ, and Phoenix got into a fight about who had better hair, Abi told them all to shut up which made them fight with her, then Raven came in and stared insulting them. In the end, they all didn't talk to each other for 3 and half hours and I had to be the medium, delivering messages for everyone.  It was so stupid!

Anyway, earlier I had said that I would get back to why I was called the medium of the sevens. I tend to have a little bit of everyone in me. I have a crazy side to me who loves to hang out with friends and party all night like my brothers. I love a good prank like Phoenix and the triplets. I keep an all A average during the school year which gives me a connection to Abi. I love folk and indie music as well as some old time rock like Raven. I thoroughly enjoy playing lacrosse. I actually dance at a dance studio, but I am a cheerleader for my school. My biggest passions though art music, art/painting, hiking, going waste free, and videotaping my crazy life for the whole world to see. And that's why I am starting this youtube channel. I have actually started my own company about being waste free. It is called Friends of the Earth. I blog about ways to be waste free and sell products that will help you take actions to save the earth and be waste free. You should definitely go check it out. I will link the website in the description box below. 

So, in conclusion, I have one hectic (kinda famous) family that I adore very much. My life is full of crazy people, activities, and love. I couldn't imagine a more perfect family for me. I hope you stick around as I continue sharing my family and how our life works. Comment down below what you think my next video should be! I will see you soon! I already love you to the moon and back! Sayonara Babes!" I wave at the camera as I click the record button one last time. I'm still smiling as I look at Abi, Kai, CJ, Raven, and Ollie behind the camera. They had been sitting there for support. 

"So, do you think it will get a lot of views?" I ask, kind of nervous of their answer. 

"Of course!" CJ answers clapping his hands. 

"You know people will want to see our amazing, handsome faces!" Kai says while gesturing to CJ, Phoenix, and himself. 

"Ha! Yeah keep telling yourself that!" Raven snaps. 

"You'll do great Hazel! Lots of people will watch your video and you will be huge before you even know it! Just wait and watch!" Abi tries to give her words of encouragement through all the noise of the boys and Raven fighting again. 

"Thanks Abi!" I say giving her a smile. 

"Everyone will love you Hazy. Just as much as I do!" Ollie said using his nickname for me and smiling crookedly at me. I give him my mega watt smile and hug him tightly. I feel him relax into me like he had been waiting an eternity for this one hug. He had already had a rough day. He had thrown a tantrum this morning and cried in his room. He wouldn't even let me in to comfort him. I knew he was struggling and all I could do was hug him. So that's what I did. Correction that's what we did because 2 seconds after my arms had wrapped around Ollie's small body, CJ had yelled "Group Hug!" and had tackled Ollie and I onto my queen sized bed. Ollie tensed for a few minutes while everyone piled on top of us, but once he realized they weren't purposely attacking him he broke into a smile and even gave a little laugh. 

I could stay like this forever, I thought to myself. 

If only I had known what was in store for me. 


HI GUYS! I hope you are enjoying The Number Seven! I have been enjoying writing it! Please let me know what you think in the comments, but also please be kind! We don't like mean people and bullies here! 

Alright! Have a great day y'all! I have to go! I will try to update soon! I promise! 

Love you all lovelies! To the Moon and Back!

A_Marie xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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