The Dream They Share

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My eyes lift groggily to my loud, and rather annoying alam's beeping. My clock reads four in the morning. Just as it did yesterday, and the day before, and every morning for the past twelve years. I force myself out of the warm, familiar comfort of my covers and grab my typical training costume, which consists of a t-shirt the color of the sky on a sunny spring day and has a big apple red star on it with apple red stripes going along the edges of the shirt, flexible skinny jeans, midnight black boots, and a matching mask for my face. I look into the mirror in my room and try to figure out what to do with my brown hair that starts off strait however at the bottom turns into a crazy jungle of waves and curls. I decide to braid the side of my hair and tie it back into a regular ponytail. I let out a yawn as I attempt to rub the exhaustion from my eyes. As much as I despise waking up this early, I know it will all be worth it since my teammates and I have been training. Training for twelve years to become superheroes just like our parents are and just like the city above the government base where my team and I stay deserve. I walk sluggishly into the training room where my team is waiting for me.

"Seriously Maggie, it'd be nice to not have to wait an extra fifteen minutes for you every morning," Derek laughed. Unlike the rest of the team, I've known Derek since the day I was born. Our parents fought on the same superhero team and were best friends so there was never any escape of him or his overly sarcastic attitude for me. I've had to deal with it for fifteen years.

"Oh get over it! Maybe I'd be able to get some more sleep if your snoring wasn't so loud!" I snapped back. At that response he just smirked.

"Someone didn't have their pumpkin spice latte this morning," he responded looking very pleased with himself. I grabbed his ice coffee and squeezed it until all of its contents spilt on the floor and I handed him back the empty cup feeling amused at the shocked look on his face.

"Honestly guys! Do we plan on getting any training done or are we just going to sit here and spill each other's coffees," Liam grumbled, rolling his hazel eyes.

"Well either way both are pretty amusing!" Delilah laughed as she lifted her arm and using her magic, cleaned up the coffee mess by my feet. "Now let's go to the training room. I'm pretty sure Max is already in there." We all followed Delilah as she walked into the training room and sure enough, Max was already there and punching a large punching back profusely without much luck of it moving any more than an inch.

"Whoa there buddy! Calm down before you hurt yourself!" I smirked as I flew toward Max, "How long have you been up?"

"I don't know, maybe two or three o'clock," he sighed before returning to his punching.

"You didn't go to bed until eleven! You only got three hours of sleep are you insane?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well unlike you, Delilah, and Liam, I wasn't blessed with powers or trained by a master assassin like Derek so if I ever plan to become a valuable hero I've got a lot of work ahead of me. Even if it means I miss out on a few nights of sleep," He responded without taking his eyes off of the punching bag. To that I just rolled my eyes.

"You're a super genius, the smartest person in the whole training base, and most likely even the whole city! Who cares if you can't fly and don't have super strength! You have you're own super power!" I reassured. He didn't respond and kept punching the punching bag looking unphased as Agent Margaret Lazlo entered the training room to begin our training.

"Today each of you will be completing power based exercises starting with Liam. Max since you don't have powers, you may go back to your bedquarters. The last thing I need is for you to get injured," Agent Lazlo ordered. Max's face turned cold, dark and distant. He stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him as he mumbled,

"Fine that's exactly what I'll do but neither of us will like the outcome." An awkward silence fell over the room and all I could feel was guit. Max works the hardest out of all of us to achieve the dream that all of us share and he constantly gets treated as a sidekick. One who isn't capable of taking care of himself on the battlefield when I know he can. He deserves to be in this training room more than anyone else here but there's nothing I can do so I try to ignore the guilt and I prepare to fight my teammates. Max isn't the only one who's been practicing.

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