Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Alex James."

"Lani Jenkins."

"Niamh Kirton."

I step up on the stage at the same time "Shania Lucas" was called by the principal. I thank Mrs. Charles as she hands me the paper I've been working towards the last thirteen years. We both pretend the last interaction we had didn't happen. Mostly for Josh's sake, who's coming up after Shania.

I've been hearing a couple rumors about Josh after my visit to the principal's office. Gonna be honest, I wasn't as updated with the rumor mill, so I didn't hear too much about him. The most I know is he's lucky to be graduating after the shit he pulled to get back at Shadler.

Then again, the ceremony's long and boring. Everyone's been at the football field since ten this morning to rehearse, and it's three o'clock now to do it again for real. The sun is hot and scorching everything in sight. A lot of us are cranky and just want to get into the shade. Keeping Josh out of the ceremony wouldn't be as punishing.

I find my way through the crowd of graduates whose names were called, and I stumble into my seat between Ikra and Jeremiah. Because of the scorching sun, the short walk to the stage and back saps up a lot of my energy, and I fight back the urge to close my eyes.

"What'd you think so far?" Ikra asks. She's gonna wait awhile, like the rest of the class, to be called up.

"Not worth it," I whisper back.


Chiming in, Jeremiah says, "You're both so cynical."

"It's the perfect day to swim at a lake and party, and we're spending most of it at school in stuffy gowns. Let me be cynical," Ikra gripes. She takes a sip from her water bottle. And then looks at it. "I should have used vodka instead."

"Please, for the love of God, tell me that was a joke."

"At least she said 'should have'," I point out. "Also, I'm taking some of it. I'm dying."

With a sigh, Ikra hands me the water. I drain a good amount of it before giving it back.

Slowly, every diploma is handed out. Several girls a couple rows ahead sneak in a group selfie while holding up their credentials. Guys are getting restless. Parents are a few feet from the stage and graduates, still holding up their phones, recording the whole thing.

Once Mrs. Charles says her final words and wish us all a happy life, we're dismissed. If this was a movie, we'd be throwing our caps in the air. Unfortunately, there was a rule banning that. I guess it would've caused chaos from us diving to get our caps back.

Our parents wait for us to come to them. Ikra's parents don't even wait before rushing over and giving her the biggest hug. Jeremiah's mom hugs him, while his dad uses words to show how proud he was.

Instead of the hugs or words of encouragement, I stand awkwardly in front of Mom and Dad. At least Dad seems happy to see me; Mom's focusing on her cup of iced coffee. They're both wearing outfits you'd expect to see at a museum opening; Dad with his fancy suit and Mom with a deep blue dress and white shawl around her shoulders.

I don't have much to say other than, "Well, I did it."

"Yes, and we're both happy about it."

Mom doesn't have anything to add.

Dad extends a hand. "Can I see it?"

The diploma switches hands. He takes his time looking at the piece of paper. A small smile appears on his face. Before long, the diploma is safely under my care.

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