Last Kiss ~*~

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Today is the day we would figure out who dies. Today is the day we will figure out who dies. Could it be me? Could it be my best friend? But the big question is who will it be? Who will be forgotten? Who will be gone? Who will never get to live out the rest of their life?

 These words kept running through my mind, and I couldn't control it. I wouldn't be able to until I knew who the person was, and then I would still feel bad. But we would have to go on with our lives like they never existed.

 Today is the day that they pick someone to die. And it's their 50 victim, so they will pick someone special. Know body will tell, because the school is afraid of them and won't do anything. Hell, everyone is afraid of them. I'm afraid of them. Because if you try to stand up to them, you will die to, it's just a fact of life in my high school. It's part of their game.

 Everyone from school will be on-line; checking to make sure it isn't them. Everyone will be scared it will be them. And when we find out whom, everyone will pass them in the hallway with sad looks on their face, and know body will speak to them, trying not to have eye contact, because you know they are walking on a thin line, that will be cut at any second. They act as if they have a sign saying I'll be dead soon engraved on their forehead. But we have to act that way, or the killers will notice.

It's sad really; the victims are alone their last few days, because everyone is afraid. And they have a good reason to be to.

 "Marni are you ready for school?" my mom shouted through my closed door.

 I gulped. This was it.

"Almost mom, let me finish getting ready!"

 I studied myself in the mirror. My semi long hair was wavy today, and looked browner than ever. My eyes looked scared, as if I knew I was going to die. But I wasn't going to die, was I? I shook my head no. I had avoided it for three years, and I would avoid it for my senior year of high school. I mean there are a lot of people in my school, not just me. I have a one out of a thousand chance of being picked. That number is too low, they won’t notice me.

I choose a blue pencil skirt and a black laced tank top. I slipped into it and then brushed my wavy hair, watching the curls bounce back in perfect place. I applied mascara and eyeliner, and was ready to go. My eyes are the best thing about me, they are just always perfect.

"Marni?" my mom said, growing impatient,

"Yes mom, I'm coming!" I shouted, breaking out of Marni world.

I grabbed my baby blue Jan sport backpack and snatched my keys from my bed, pretending like I wasn't nervous.

"Bye mom, I love you!" I said as I opened the big wooden door, shutting it lightly so I wouldn't wake my baby brother from his nap.

I looked at the neighborhood I could possibly never see again. Everything was peaceful, two little girls riding their bikes to the elementary school down the street. It looked like a normal neighborhood you would see in the morning, everything just fit together.

 I blinked and unlocked my car. I stood there for a minute, just leaning on the car door.

 What if it is me? I can't run if it is, because then my family would suffer. Maybe I should just tell my mom I'm sick today. . .

No. I won't be picked; I know it for a fact. It's silly to even think they would pay any attention to an average girl in school.

I sat down and pulled the door, jamming my keys in the key whole and starting up my car, heading off for school.

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