The day

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"Logan's POV"

"LOGAN UNLOCK THIS DOOR NOW!" I run to my dresser and I try find my razor. "Logan please open this door, sweetie." I find my razor and I run to the bathroom. I slide the peace metal across my wrist and smiled as the blood flowed from the cut. My mom breaks the door down some how. She knocks on the door. "PUT UP PLEASE LOGAN!" "NO MOM! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I wake up in my bed "it just a dream" I look to my left and find my dog Lucy asleep. "Nice Lucy." I pick out my clothes and head to the bathroom. I start the shower and hops in. I start to get dress. "Hey is any-" my bother looks at me "GET OUT OF HERE YOU PERV" I throw a towel at him and push out of bathroom

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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