Everyone shares feelings (ft everyone is insecure)

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Chat Name Guide

Midoriya: HateMePls
Uraraka: UwUMachine
Iida: SonicOC
Tsuyu: PwettyKermit
Todoroki: Sexypeppermint
Bakugo: BoomBoomBoi
Kirishima: RockHard
Kaminari: DiscountPikaPika
Sero: FlexTape
Mina: AlienQueen
Jiro: ChaoticBiEnergy
Momo: MOMo
Tokoyami: Emobirb
Shouiji: Octopussy
Ojiro: Furry
Hagakure: JohnCena
Aoyama: SparkliestBaguette
Koda: Purebean
Sato: Sugardaddy
Shinso: InsomniCat

Temporary chat name guide

Mineta: SourGrape
All Might: Twunk
Aizawa: Daddy
Present Mic: COCKatoo
Midnight: Sadist
Nezu: Furry2.0

MOMo: Hello, my children! The teachers, Iida, and I have been doing some thinking! We've noticed how depressed everyone has been, so we came up with a time to speak our feelings! It's the weekend today, so all of us are going to share our insecurities and feelings!

BoomBoomBoi: That...

HateMePls: sounds fucking horrible.

BoomBoomBoi: Completely and utterly fucking horrible

HateMePls: I'd rather live than do that.

BoomBoomBoi: I'd rather eat shit.

HateMePls: I'd rather have Kacchan blow my insides up

BoomBoomBoi: Id rather lose to Deku

HateMePls: I'd rather murder all of you and marry Toga

BoomBoomBoi: Id rather listen to Deku talk for 48 hours

HateMePls: You love me dont even try

BoomBoomBoi: Dont get ahead of your self, asshole.

HateMePls: Ill share my feelings first.

MOMo: Oh, I'm glad! Go right ahead!

HateMePls: But first i have questions

SonicOC: Of course you do.

HateMePls: 1. Do i say my insecurities or feelings first? 2. Feelings about what? 3. Can i talk about my childhood? 4. My feelings are pretty...not good so still want me to share?

MOMo: 1. How about insecurities first. 2. Any of them! 3. Of course! 4. We're here to listen and for you to feel better, son.

HateMePls: okay well I'm feeling pissy because Kacchan is a asshole to me.

BoomBoomBoi: oh get fucked.

HateMePls: what do you think im trying to do?

HateMePls: and quit distracting me. Im trying to express myself Kacchan.

BoomBoomBoi: Go right ahead, shitty nerd. Express yourself.

HateMePls: I constantly feel sad because I fear that I will never be loved nor accepted by my peers.

RockHard: um-

HateMePls: I attempt to numb my emotions by crying and smiling. I rarely yell because I fear that if I do, one of you will take initiative and begin to bully me. Deep down I feel as if the bullying will better me, for I feel that I deserve it for being useless. I'm always smiling and trying to be as kind as I possibly can because I feel the need to do it, not for my sake, but for everyone elses. If I dont smile, then I fear people will hate me and see me as a waste of space, like my biological father did, hence his abandonment.

MOMo: Oh dear...

HateMePls: I hide my true self in fear of rejection and harassment. All my life I've been told that I'm useless and should just die. At one point, someone I considered a friend had told me to, and I quote, "take a swan dive off the roof" in hopes of me getting a quirk. The only, and I mean only, reason I didn't do it was because said "friend" couldve gone to jail for instigating a suicide. I constantly feel that many would be better off if I had died or simply disappeared. I deeply apologize for everyone having to keep up with my bullshit and I'm sorry I exist.

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