(version 2) BTS as Types of Moms

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Owner: same as "BTS as Girls on their periods". Coz the pic is not loading💀💀

Namjoon: got sextuplets on the first try
- burns dinner but it’s the thought that counts
- Kids were a nightmare as toddlers
- Really fucking tired of this shit
- “stop putting your brother’s underwear in the freezer”
- mom with the biggest tiddies
- their kids are actually smart

Seokjin: no time for your shit
- “don’t fuck with me Kenneth”
- lets them do whatever as long as they’re not failing school or burning the house down
- “Listen up you little shits”
- Holds Sunday brunch and never disappoints
- Loves mimosas 🥂
- Milf, way hotter than the dad (??)

Yoongi: finds parenthood amusing
- 🍷🍷🍷
- drags their kids all the time
- Know they sneak out but lets it happen
- Gossips with the dad at night about their children’s embarrassing lives while they get high
- “If you’re a responsible adult then why do you still wear crocs”
- Still can’t believe they’re a parent
- “I’m so fucking old”

Hoseok: the mom who thinks they’re cool
- always wants to join their kids when they go out
- Drives a minivan and wears big ass sneakers
- Always dances at family parties
- Thinks they are the ‘cool mom’ but still fall asleep at 9:15pm
- Got chance the rapper to perform at their kid’s 2nd birthday party
- “Do you guys want some beers???”
- Biggest fear is menopause

Jimin: supermom
- the nicest mom that everyone wants
- Let’s their kids sleepover on a school night and says “be good okay!!”
- Always brings something for the bake sale
- President of the PTA but not a bitch
- “as long as you do your best that’s all that matters!!”
- Their purse has the solution for everything
- Drives a Subaru Forester

Taehyung: designer mom
- babies come out the womb wearing Gucci
- Takes their kids to Paris on the weekends
- Makes the other moms look bad
- Other dads secretly wish she was their wife
- Picks up their kids in a Porsche
- always wears a robe at home, slightly opened ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Knows how to put on full makeup while using a breast pump

Jungkook: the actual cool mom
- smokes weed with their kids on the weekends
- Drives their kids around to do whatever they want 
- Super chill but not a pushover
- Drives a Jeep Wrangler
- “Just don’t get her pregnant alright I’m too young to be a grandma”

None of them is desi maatushri🙏🙏

I do not own them 🙏

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