Chapter 3 - Backstory

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Killer grinned, lifting up a knife. "Goodnight." He said as he struck down the knife and . . .

. . . before he could strike him, his attack was blocked. Killer looked up to see Cross standing there. "Cross! What are you doing?! Let me kill him!!"

Cross shook his head. He grabbed Killer by his hood and dragged him off of Ink Nightmare. "As much as I want to kill him, I'm curious." He looked at Hate before continuing. "You said that you're the rebels? And that you became a group to stop the war because you didn't want anymore fighting between us?"

Hate gave a small nod, however, his expression was a bit confused. "Yes, but why are you asking this?"

Cross pointed at Ink Nightmare with a glare. "Then why the hell is HE in your group?" He asked, sounding pissed.

Hate sighed, looking at Ink Nightmare. He nodded at him, causing him to stand up. Ink Nightmare seemed to shift awkwardly. "Look, um..... I'm not good at this..whatever it really is.. But uh.......sorry..?"

Killer glared at him with a suspicion as Cross seemed slightly surprised. "You're....sorry.." Cross said with a small laugh. "You can never be forgiven for what you did...."

Ink Nightmare nodded in understanding, his tentacles moving in an awkward manner. He glanced at Hate, who nodded at him. He sighed, nodding back. He turned his gaze back upon Cross and Killer. "Look, I know you can't ever forgive me for what I did. I was foolish with my actions, as I thought what I was doing was for the greater good. I realize now my mistakes... But we do want to help you. If you don't believe me, then believe them." He said, gesturing towards the group he was with.

Cross crossed his arms, raising a non-existent brow. "Why are you telling us all of this?"

Ink Nightmare was silent for a few awkward moments before he began to talk. "It's a long story.... Now let's...start at the beginning..." ((Cue a backstory mwahahaha))

“ The Truth Behind It All ”

((This is Ink Nightmare telling it in the third person))"It all was a long time ago. Everything started all black before it could barely see it all. Death, lots of death. Something saw the self corruption among Nightmare, as this was when he first became corrupted. As he was corrupted, some being felt something among them. It arose as something glitched.

A small code, deep within all the coding of Nightmare in Dreamtale, felt a glitch among it as it became broken. From this single broken code erupted a being. Another being of pure negativity and evil came from it, but due to it coming from a broken code, the being came out all messed up. It was.......deformed. All melted like ink. This being came out to be known as Ink Nightmare...Me.

He felt enraged by the destruction he saw all because of one corrupted being. He swore he would stop this destruction, but he knew he never had the power to do anything... Atleast he thought that at that point, seeing as he just came into existence. He knew this, so he went into hiding.

Though in hiding, he saw it all. He saw as the ancient battle in Dreamtale ended with the victory of Nightmare. He saw it all.. From when Dream was in stone, to many years later when he freed himself. He watched as they lived long and tried to find allies. He watched as after years and years, two entire empires suddenly sprung up out of nowhere. He watched as Dream struggled to get allies until he found some, which had caused Nightmare to find his own allies. He watched it all. All of the destruction they caused and he hated how Nightmare and his empire caused so much damage.

He felt rage that he caused harm upon others.. How Nightmare caused harm upon him. He blamed Nightmare for the way he was... For causing him to live in this messed up body... Soon enough both empires had all of their allies, including you all. Few years later as all of you had been living where you did, he finally was strong enough. He found that it was finally his time to come back out of hiding and to end it all.

All of this built up hate inside him was finally going to be put to use so he could finally stop the ones who caused pain and misery to others.... You all know the rest of the story..."

“ Story End ”

Ink Nightmare finished speaking, as he looked at them, somewhat scared to see what their reactions would be.

Killer looked extremely surprised and......guilty. He still was angered though at the action that had been take for it all. "So you.....You only did this because you wanted to stop the pain, misery, and destruction... Wow, I didn't see that coming.."

Cross looked....shocked to say the least. He never knew. He thought Ink Nightmare did it because he just wanted to see them in pain. Not that he only did it to try and help others. "I didn't know... But you didn't need to do what you did. You could've chosen a different path."

Ink Nightmare nodded slightly, seeming a bit relieved. He thought they still would've tried to attack him after or something. "Yeah... But I know my mistakes now. I won't make those kinds of decisions again. After we help get Nightmare back. If we're successful......will you forgive me?" He asked, more hopeful.

Cross sighed, looking down. He took a deep breath as he thought of his answer. It quickly became clear. "I...I don't know yet. But maybe."

Killer nodded in agreement with Cross. "What Cross said. Maybe.."

Ink Nightmare nodded with, surprisingly, a small smile. "Seems like a good enough answer for me.."

Hate suddenly clapped his hands together. A smile was on his face as he looked between them. "So. Now that you all are on good terms now, shall we begin?"

Geno, Fresh, Reaper, and Hate looked at them expectantly. They awaited an answer as Hate stepped forward and held his hand out.

Cross and Killer exchanged looks before nodding. Cross reached his own hand out to Hate's and shook it. "We have a deal.. So what's next?"

Hate grinned widely before he spoke.

"We get ready to leave at dawn tomorrow to begin our journey to bring him back."

((Heya guys!!
Guess who's back!?!?
It's ME!
I know it's been a while since I updated this, seeing as I've been busy a lot.
Plus I also lost motivation, even though I've been awaiting this chapter cause I've had this entire one planned to be this way.
Y'all thought that it was a trap, especially because of the sudden appearance of Ink Nightmare.
So yeah, I brought him back, but completely new.
Bet you didn't expect this!
But anyways, I'll let you guys go and read up on your other stories or whatever you need to do.
With that said, goodbye guys!
I hope you liked this chapter!
Cya in the next one!!!!!!))

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