Chapter 6

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The Dance

"Of course you would know that."

Everyone jumped up from their sleep as a bang was heard outside.
"What the bloody hell was that?"Shouted Darius charging back into the room.
"Shhhh. We gotta go,"whispered Zhenzhen.
They all quickly got changed again. Ivy just shoved on what she was wearing yesterday.

"Shhh,"whispered Gabriel as they wondered through the laundry on the washing lines outside.
"Do you see anything?"Asked Darius.
"No come on,"answered Ivy.
"Guys we should turn back,"whispered Alex.
"We can't now man,"whispered Darius.
"I'm telling you this is how people die in movies."
"Guys you see anything?"Asked Zhenzhen.
"Guys...where did you go?"Asked Ivy panicking.
"Ivy?"whispered Gabriel.
"I can't find you,"she whispered again beginning to panick more.

"Oh shit!" Yelled Darius as a load of men surrounded them with guns.
"Not another step,"one of them said.
"I'm backing up!" Exclaimed Darius.
"What the hell you doing out here? We're in the middle of an alien invasion."
"Yeah I mean and your the ones wearing the purge masks. Wrong genre bro,"mumbled Darius.
"Oh we got a comedian here,"one of them said cocking a gun in Darius' face.
"Found another one!"Shouted another man,dragging Ivy forward.
"Woah don't! There are aliens out here okay? We're not the enemy!" Exclaimed Gabriel.
"Yeh come on...give us the girl back,"said Darius quietly.
"You guys have something we're looking for."
"Dignity,"snapped Zhenzhen.
"What did you say?"
"Everybody calm down,"came a new voice.
A man in another purge mask walked towards the group.
"Look what we found."
The man took his mask off and Darius,Alex and Zhenzhen sighed loudly in relief.
"Lou!"Exclaimed Alex," Oh my god Lou."
"Oh Jesus Thank you god,"gasped Darius.
"Hold on hold on! You know this guy!"Exclaimed Gabriel confused stepping forward.
"Leave him alone,"mumbled Ivy when she saw the men shove their guns in Gabriel's face.
"Do we know him hell yeh we know him! We go way back. Lou my man. You know me. I wanted to free you. A...Alex was the one who was like oh let's leave him in there and I was like dude let's free him he's a human. Do you mind if you could just tell these uh handsome men that are pointing the guns at us...not do that,"Darius rambled nervously.
"I don't think anyone needs to get hurt tonight,"said Lou.
"Can you let Ivy go?"Asked Alex.
"Please,"added Gabriel.
"Now that I can not do."
Tears began to slip down Ivy's cheeks.
"Alex could you just be so kind to give me that,"Lou said pointing to the key.
"This?"Asked Alex holding the key.
"But this is our only shot at defeating the aliens."
"Yeh. And that means someone will pay a lot of money for it. Give me the key."
"I can't. I made a promise."
"Alex Alex give him the key enough alright," Said Darius.
"Don't give him the key Alex!"Exclaimed Ivy.
"Why don't you just shut your pretty little move young lady!"snapped one of the men.
"You can give me the key and just walk away. Or I can cut your head off and take the key from the stump,"said Lou quietly taking a knife out of his pocket.
"No,"mumbled Alex.
"You know what I think I'll kill the girl first and make you watch,"grinned Lou.
He reached out and pulled Ivy towards him,pushing the knife against her throat.
"No no no! Let her go...don't hurt her!" Yelled Gabriel.
"Oh is someone in love. What a shame? Maybe Alex can save your Juliet huh?"chuckled Lou.
"Hey I'm the only one who gets to call them
Romeo and Juliet. Now let her go," said Darius.
"I trusted you,"Said Alex.
"The cemeteries are full of people who trusted me."
Before the men could step forward,the alien came out of nowhere and grabbed them into the air.
Ivy pushed away from the men and ran straight into Gabriel's arms. He wrapped them around her tightly as Zhenzhen told them all to run.

Ivy felt Gabriel let go of her as he stopped at the edge of the pool.
"What are you doing?"Asked Ivy urgently.
"Just catch up to the others. I'll be there in a minute," Gabriel answered.
Ivy ran off to the others as the gun shots from the men could be heard.

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