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  ^Sayora's mom aka Selena^(It holds importance)


The next morning I woke up when a nurse came into my room to remind me that my mother will be here to visit in 30 minutes.

After showering, I slipped on a long black top and black biker shorts. I brushed my hair back into a low bun and wore black fur slides.

When I was done getting dressed I sat on my bed, waiting for the nurse to come in and tell me when my mom arrived.

When He did, he walked me to the visiting room. When we got there he pointed to where she was and I walked to her.

She looked different from yesterday's visit. Not better but worse, her hair was a mess and she had on the same work clothes from yesterday yet she still managed to lift her lip to smile.

I was just about to sit across from her when she got up to hug me tightly. I could smell the Hennessey on her as soon as our bodies came into contact.

The hug lasted longer than it should've, but once it stopped we sat down and she held my hand.

"It feels like I haven't seen you in forever, Valentine." she whispered to me.

"Mommy, I wanna leave." I pleaded her.

"You will soon just wait for that day." She assured me.

"Anything new?" she asked but my focus went away from her when everyone else who was in the room turned their heads to the front door. Many were shocked, others were scared, and I was confused.

I turned my head and seen the same boy I saw the day before today walk in. People began to whisper but they were too far for me to hear what they were saying.

He began to walk with one of the nurses beside him. He sat not too far from me to talk to someone who I'm assuming was his mother.

They began their conversation and my mom tried to continue ours but I told her to hush because I wanted to hear them talk.

"look at my boy, Jahseh. You surviving?" She asked him while leaning towards him.

"Does it look like I am, Cleo?"

"To you my name is Mom, Mother, Mama, or birth giver. Anything but my first name, Boy." she retorted.

Jahseh chuckled to himself and I took notice of it. It was seemingly intriguing to me, something about the sound of his laugh made me wonder how his cries would sound.

This thought made me grin to myself. My mind is a deep place.

"Why the hell is there blood in your nails, Jahseh?" Cleo, his mother asked.

Next he explained what happened just not in detail. When he finished explaining a nurse and an officer came and escorted him out and everyone watched.

When he was gone I came to a realization that that was Jahseh . "The craziest person here." But he didn't seem that bad aside from the fact that he rumors about him and I just heard him admit to beat someone up. Other than that he did help me yesterday.

I don't know why but I felt attracted to him.

Moments later, In the cafeteria, I sat with the same group of people I was with yesterday except one.

Eliana told me that Maria had went home as her time here came to an end. I couldn't help but wonder when she was scheduled to leave so I asked her. She didn't answer me so I tried to change the conversation.

"You wouldn't believe who I saw a few minutes ago." I teased.

Ashley and Eliana looked at me and waited for an answer and I gave it to them.

"I saw Jahseh when my mom came to visit me. His mom is was there and he had blood between his nail and when his mom seen it she asked about it and then he explained that he fought someone." I whispered fast.

Just like yesterday, Eliana took her tray and prepared to leave the cafeteria but Ashley grabbed her arm and sat her back down.

"Aht Aht, not again." Ashley bossed.

Eliana put her head down and rolled her eyes. Ashley and I looked at each other, confused on what to do next. Until loud sounds of banging and screaming echoed through the cafeteria so we didn't have to ask her about what's her deal. Instead we can watch what's happening.

The other kids here all stood up and turned their heads to the madness that occurred on the other side of the cafeteria . It was a big crowd so I couldn't really see much of what was happen so I stood on the table like what most people who were too far away was doing.

One of the boys from yesterday, Isaiah, was apart of the altercation happening. The other person there was some other kid in the ward, he was smaller than Isaiah but big in weight.

Punches continued to be thrown while the security guards tried to break up the fight but were failing miserably. In the large audience stood Stokeley, the other guy from yesterday, cheering on his friend.

People were mainly focused on the fight while I was thinking of a way to convince Jahseh and the other two to take me with them.

Everyone tried to fit themselves in front row of the fight, so much that it lead to several other fights. Now everyone was beating one another. It was lowkey entertainment for me. A bunch of mentally ill, violent kids hurting each other seemed like something from a movie.

It became something worse than what it should've been and I spotted every detail and then bingo.

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