Chapter 2 - The Mission

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Let's have a little chat" I said cockily. You know, having the upper hand like this on Ozpin, the most powerful man in Vale, and Ozma the legendary hero. I've gotta say it feels good. And I have no doubt this is doing wonders for my ego.

"I'm gonna ask you this again. How much do you know?" Oz asked while looking annoyed at my feet on his desk, but didn't say anything about them.

"I know you've been reincarnating for a while now in different bodies. How exactly it works, or for how long this has been happening I don't know if I'm being honest, I just now that every time you die someone else in Remnant appears with the same skill set, personality, speech pattern, and the biggest give away. Your cane" I said pointing to said object next to him.

"Hm. Now do you know why it is that I reincarnate?" he asked, probably trying to get an advantage over me, something crucial that he knew that I didn't. But I wasn't going to let that happen. I closed my eyes and tried remembering exactly how my theory went.

"Countless years ago there was a family that basically ruled the region that is now known as Vale. I've read some versions where they were normal people, and others where they were gods among men. But there are always two things that happen in this tale's countless versions. The family's reign ended as the husband and wife fought to the death with the husband dying, destroying the castle, the people's trust on them vanishing, and their family collapsing. A family of two loving parents, and four beautiful daughters..." I said looking at him intently to see his reaction. Though he tried to hide it, sadness and sorrow was clearly visible on his face.

"I believe that husband was you Oz, and that wife is the reason you keep reincarnating somehow. Your battle wasn't over then, and it isn't over now. How right am I Oz?" I asked, feeling kind of bad that I had to bring up his daughters to confirm my theory. I can be kind of an ass, but I'm not heartless.

"I've gotta say (Y/N), you're missing some pretty crucial information" he said looking at me with tension growing between us "Or maybe I'm just not telling you everything I know" I said with a small grin.

"Now, why would you do that (Y/N)?" "It's quite simple really. I don't trust you Oz, at least not completely. Just the fact that you've been keeping this away from all of Remnant, your students, and undoubtedly people who directly work for you doesn't sit well with me". I said taking my feet from his desk and getting up from my seat.

"Then why tell me all that you already have?" He asked with a slightly annoyed tone as I walked to the elevator in his office. "To let you know that I've got an eye on you... That and I might be ready to call in some favors if needed in exchange for keeping my mouth shut. You wouldn't want that silver eyed Summer girl getting to know this from me now would ya?" I said standing in the elevator looking at him while taking out my lighter and a cigarette as he looked at me with a surprised look on his face.

"See you around Oz" I said pushing the button on the elevator to take me down from the top of Beacon Tower. I started smoking and damn did I just feel good. That went well. Even better than expected. I've been fantasizing about this moment and playing it out in my head for a while, ever since I first saw a picture of a man with Ozpin's cane in a small village.

I made my way to my room, basically dancing and jumping and singing. Anything to let out this rush of adrenaline that I was having at the moment.

I entered my dorm room and the moment I went through the door my teammates looked at me confused. "(Y/N), is that actually you?" Peter asked looking up from his scroll "Of course it's me Pete! Who else would it be!" I exclaimed walking to the window so the smoke wouldn't get stuck inside the room.

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