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She cast her eyes away from mine and  said in a remorseful tone" for one last time could you cast a glance at me for you never bothered about my ocean of emotions".

With a smile curving on one side across my lips I politely took her hand and said

I am not unaware of the blanched face of my naive bride when she was asked to share her love.

I am not unaware of shattered eyes of a fiery princess when I exclaimed I would accept her as my consort in accordance to my birth eligibility.

I am not unaware of a sense of rue in her heart.
For she knew my ears halted anxiously for her strong denial.

I am not unaware of those trembling hands of the bride of elder brother amidst their wedding rituals as I advanced into the wedding hall.

I am not unaware of the heart beat of the queen of indraprastha which rode faster than my steeds whenever when she encountered me in the court room.

I am not unaware of the flame that rose in my maiden's body and soul when she gaped the moon without allowing her lotus eyelids eclipse her fire from reaching the moon.

I am not unaware of your blazing passion for me which neutralized the volcano of envy you have for the love of my life my most elegant wife.

I am not unaware of a slight smirk that ebbed on my insulted wife's face when my voice echoed against the foe responsible for that gruesome act.

I am not unaware of the longing eyes that my first wife laid keenly on my son abhimanyu for she wanted to secure all my expressions locked in her heart.

I am not unaware of the fact that the fire woman found a reminiscence of hope in me when my sword rose high in the air.

I am not unaware of the fact that the ever ferocious daughter of fire never gathered courage to stare into my eyes. For her coyness shone brightly.

I then stroke her rugged hair gently and said  "But  I am unaware of the strength of responsibility of my wife from this moment which is an uphill task to balance for its ground seems quaked".

I then took leave from the pleasantly perplexed queen with a guilt of shattering the pillars of  rudimentary affection she had built for my brothers all these years.


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