Good Grief

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   "No! Tessa No— pffffht bad girl." I try to scold in between giggles. I'm laying on Toms living room floor and Tessa is laying on my chest. Her long rough tongue laps my face, until, I roll over and she rolls off of me. She goes bouncing down the hall way, and into Tom's bedroom.

I saunter down the hall towards my bedroom. The soft pink curtains, fly with the breeze. The warm L.A. air smells sweet compared to the air back-home. Although the traffic is loud, and angry. I pull my Ukulele out of the closet and tune it slightly. It hasn't been played since my last visit to L.A.

   "Shut my eyes and count to 10-" I begin, I adjust the tune slightly and continue singing.
   "It goes in one ear out the other, one ear out the other. Burning bright right till the end-"

   "Kit, we have to go. I have a meeting for-" he stops before he buggers his words " a movie."

I roll my eyes, "because it's such a big secret." I grab my sunglasses of the dresser and follow Tom out to the car. We listen to the radio with the car windows rolled down. I try to pry as much information out of Tom as I can. He doesn't budge, which is strange for him he spoils stuff online all the time. We pull up In front of a fancy building down town L.A. Tom helps me out of the car.
   "Is Zendaya going to be here," I question. Tom smiles and shrugs. I roll my eyes at him and we ride the elevator up. Before the doors open, Tom turn to faces me and says.

  "There's going to be famous people in here, don't freak please."

"Zero promises." The door slides open and I'm immediately grateful that I made zero promises about not freaking out. In this room there are more famous people Thank I can count on my fingers and toes combine. Just by first glance I see, Zendaya, All three of the Chris' , Robert Downey jr. and so many more. Chris Pratt walks over and greets my big brother.
   "Tommay, long time no see my dude. Who's this?" He asks gesturing towards me, I'm to star struck and I miss his question.
   "This is my little sister-" he nudges me with his elbow "Kit?" I shake my head and Chris is looking at me with a slight smirk and a raised eyebrow.

   "Sorry, my name is Katie but everyone calls me Kit."
"Ah the infamous Kit, your brother here-" Chris says ruffling Tom's hair "talks about you a lot. I'd say he's very proud of you." I smile up at Tom, and respond
"Well I'm pretty proud of him too." Two older men in ball caps and blazers get everyone's attention. Calling the meeting to order everyone takes there seats,
Tom turns to me and points to the couch at the back of the room. He pulls out my wireless headphones, "please Kit, it won't take that long" Tom pleads.
I take the headphones from him and purse my lips, "it's a good thing I love you." I sit on the couch and adjust the headphones over my ears. I put on some music and mindlessly scroll through social media. Every time I look up, someone from the table seems to be looking at me. They must be worried that I'm going to recorded what they're saying. As the meeting finishes Zendaya comes over and sits down on the couch next to me.
   I pull my head phones off, "Hey how are you," I greet excitedly. We side hug quickly,
   "I've been good, busy, what about you? How's dance?"
   "It was good, it was a stressful season but it was good."
   "You want to bail, and go do something?" She asks, I look for Tom who's busy talking with some famous people. "Don't worry, Tom is cool with it," Zendaya reassures me. I smile and nod, we slip silently out the door and into the L.A. sun.
   We find a small shop along the pier that sells shaved ice, and we both order one. I ordered a cherry flavoured, and Zendaya ordered lemon lime.
   Our shoes are ditched by a sign, so that we can walk along the beach barefooted.

    "So who has been your favourite thing about L.A." Zendaya asks, I think for a minuet feeding myself another spoonful.

"The heat definitely, summers are always cold at home. Oh and the beach too!"

"Those are pretty good things to like - oh hey there's Tom," she says waving towards my brother "if you ever want to come hang out, and get away from your brother for a bit. Shoot me a text and come hang."

"I think I might take you up on that," I respond with a smile!

She's my sister Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin