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Dear Jake

So...Charlie wrote to you! I didn't see the letter but he said that it was important! What was it about Jake...? It's sad you can't answer...I miss you Jake! I miss you in class, at home, when I'm out with Charlie! I miss you, non stop!

Charlie asked me two things!

First to stop writing to you...which I have ignored..obviously! I mean, I understand he is worried but, this is who I want to grief..then this is how I'm going to grieve. He says it's not grieving that it's just pressing pause, that I'm just pretending your still here! Which is true I am! But who cares if I am, I want to pretend your still here, I have to pretend your still here!

Cause if I don't, I think I'll stop breathing! I think I'll curl up in a ball and Slowly wither away, you can't be gone! I know I told you that I realized you were gone, that you weren't coming back! But then I saw this article in the newspaper! It was about this women who lost her daughter. She talked about still feeling her daughter around the places they used to hang out! And it's true, I still feel you near me when I walk home, or to the basketball court!

I still think your gonna pop out from one of the tree in the woods or hop on the bus when I'm going into town! And I know people might think its sad, that I'm sad! That I still think your coming back, and maybe their right! Maybe it is sad, a girl waiting for her dead best friend but I can't help it Jake. I miss you!

The second thing Charlie asked me was if I'd like to hang out with him tonight at the basketball court! I tried not to blush, but I was really happy! I meeting him in half and hour and I have butterfly's in my stomach!

It reminds me of the night I went out with Colton Hayes when I was 14, it was my first date and you came by my house to give me some last minute tips. I was so nervous and scared something would go wrong! But you took me by the shoulder, told me I looked beautiful and that Colton would be mad not to like me!

I think that's what I miss the most, having my best friend around to tell me stuff like that. I miss having you give me advice and I miss you telling me the do's and don'ts of dating. I miss having you near me, Jake! I miss having my best friend in my life.

Well, I better go or I'll be late! My first time on the basketball court without you!



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