Where Were You In The Morning: Said I Wanna Get To Know You

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Junhui didn't know whether he should hate Mingyu or pity the poor boy. He was inexplicably tall for an Asian which is usually a good thing, except for the fact that Mingyu was clumsy as all hell and his long legs didn't exactly help him in his unfortunate predicament.

Just a few hours ago, Junhui witnessed Mingyu trip over his own foot while walking towards their table during lunch. Not only did he waste the food they paid for, but he also broke his arm in the process.

So now Junhui was in the hospital to surpervise his sleeping friend until his mother comes.

It wasn't exactly the worst chore, and he wanted to be a good friend, but it was boring to be in a quiet hospital room all by himself save for the unconscious body on the bed. The Chinese boy eventually decided to step out for a little bit of air and maybe watch some dance videos on his phone outside the room without worrying that he might wake his friend up.

As soon as he opened the door, though, he accidentally hit a person right in the face. The stranger yelped, his hand coming up to cradle his nose which received most of the impact.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? I didn't mean for this to happen, I swear." Junhui immediately apologized in a mix of Cantonese and Korean. In the corner of his eye, he noticed a folder on the floor with all of its paper contents scattered on the floor, which he quickly picked up out of guilt.

"It's okay." The strangerㅡwhich Junhui realized is a lanky boy with fiery red hairㅡmumbled as he reached for the folder that Junhui handed him. "It wasn't your fault."

The boy gave him a small smile with his pink lips which further emphasized the redness of his noseㅡGod, that must be painful, Junhui thinksㅡwhich only made him feel more guilty.

"Hey, how about I make it up to you?" Junhui suggests, eyeing the way the boy tucks the folder under his arm. He checks his watch. "I could treat you to dinner, maybe. Only if you want to, of course."

The red head just offers another small smile, his cheeks almost as red as his hair. "That would be lovely."

Together, they drove Junhui's car to a good pizza place near the hospital. He texted Mingyu's mother that he went out for food to which she replied with a thank you for taking care of his son and a happy face for good measure.

Junhui learned that the stranger's name was Minghao, and that he's Chinese just like him. This similarity quickly sparked their friendship and they spent the whole ride jamming to Chinese ballads on Junhui's radio.

Their order of a hawaiian pizza arrived to their table in a matter of 10 minutes after they entered the restaurantㅡthank god Minghao wasn't one of those people who bandwagoned on the whole 'pineapple shouldn't be on pizza' ordeal.

"So, why is your hair red?" Junhui asked after a few beats of silence, just to have something to talk about, really. Minghao didn't seem to mind the exchange of questions, anyway.

"I'm in a dance trio and we thought it'd be fun to dye our hair with primary colors." Minghao laughed, probably remembering the time they came up with the ridiculous idea. "We drew lots for the colors and as you can see, I got the red."

Junhui hummed, appreciating the way Minghao talks about the little details of his life so freely around him. "So does that mean you hair's like, really brittle now? I bet they fall off like dust whenever you comb them." Junhui joked, feeling proud of himself when Minghao giggled.

"Yes. But it's not that bad. I mean, my hair would still remain intact even if you pull on it during sex."

Junhui didn't know what to do with the information.

Minghao seemed to finally realize what he said, causing the tips of his ears to go red in embarrassment. "It's not like I imagined you doing it. I meanㅡI wouldn't mind if you do butㅡuh, yeah.." He said to try and redeem himself, but only ends up digging his hole even deeper. Junhui remained quiet, his legs crossed under the table while his fingers fidget on the pizza slice on his plate.

"I, uh, have to go to the toilet for like, two seconds. Excuse me." Minghao said hastily before escaping the awkward atmosphere. He accidentally nudged his folder in the process, making it fall to the floor once again.

Junhui finally realized that the folder contained Minghao's medical records, and the longer he stared at it, the more he got curious as to why the boy was at the hospital in the first place. And so he picked up the folder like he did when they first bumped into each other, but this time he thumbed through the papers and read the printed text.

Name: Xu Minghao
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Blood Type: A

He heard footsteps coming his way so he hastily put the papers back into the folder and placed it on the same spot on the table it was resting on before it fell. Minghao wasn't kidding when he said he would go to the toilet for two seconds. "Hey. Sorry about that." Minghao said, all the tension gone from his face as if he wiped it off with a towel. "What do you say we get out of here and go some place else? I really wanna get to know you more."

His offer sounded a lot like something a random pervert in a club would say, but the tightness in Junhui's pants caused by their previous conversation didn't want to pass up on the opportunity, so he agreed without a second thought.

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