~ Chapter 5 ~

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AN: Well hey guys it's night time for me and had a long day. So I'm not going to write a long authors note to tired. :) Anyway hav a goodnight! or morning depends on where ur at huh?! ahaha! Well I'm going to get to point on this. Hope you all enjoyed see you 2morrow since it's the weekend! so excited! :3 Anyway vote, fan, and comment and I'll see you u guys later! :D Bye

<3 Mia <3


I wake up the next morning a small smile on my face. I hop out of bed and go and get ready like every morning to see that everyone is here. Huh. I jump on the last step and walk to the kitchen everyone still staring at me, I roll my eyes quietly and grab an apple. Did you know it's better than drinking coffee in the morning I had no clue! Even though coffee is way better than an apple man I'm going way off topic aren't I? I turn around and look at them.

"So you know..." Sam trails off.

"Yes yes I do," I tell him sitting on the counter taking another chomp out of my apple.

"Including us," Edward pipes up I nod.

"Yeah I've already kind of figured out since I have scars from both of your kinds," I explain. This makes everyone look at me with wide eyes. Damn it! I've said to much! Abort! Abort! I get up and start to walk away when Jared steps in front of me. Blocking my way out of the kitchen. Life is offically over! I'm going to die!!!! I know I'm being dramatic but hey! Free country! I hear Edward chuckle and I give him and icy glare. I look around the room and spot the window, I sigh and stand by the window. I open it just a bit and am ready to make my escape when Bella pulls me away from it I frown and pout.

"What do you mean you have scars?" she questions. I just keep my mouth shut and look at my nails pretending to be stupid.

"I know you have a scar on your wrist where else?" Bella presses. I just look out the window and frown at the plush green grass and get out of her grasp and go and sit on the counter and look out of the window into the big thick green woods.


"Come on momma!" I cry out running ahead my pony tail swining in the cool breeze of the mountains we where currently hiking in Albany.

"We're coming Adri don't get to far!" my mother yells back but I was already up to far ahead, I look around when a huge golden wolf comes into my view. He was huge as big as a horse he wasn't normal like the others I had seen before. His eyes held anger and hurt I walk backwards as he steps closer stumbling on a piece of wood. He opens his huge mouth ready to snap down on my arm when I turn around and start to run. I can here his huge paws hitting the dirt on the dusty ground. I look around frantically for my mother but to no avail see her, I'm ready to turn back the other way when I feel sharp claws go down my back. I scream out in pain and fall to the ground clutching my knees to myself.

"Adri!" I hear my mom say frantically as she finds me, that's the last thing I remember before I blacked out.

~End of Flashback~

I blink furiously trying to get the image out of my head that always haunted my dreams that I had to wake up to every morning. The long scars down my back that had ripped open the precious skin to the spine I remember the doctor telling my mother how I might never be able to walk ever again from the damage done to my spine. I was lucky when I started to walk, I guess I'm greatful but still. I can still remember that wolf how angery it had been and the hurt. I know my eyes must of been glazed over because everyone was looking at me.

I look away from their curious looks and stare at my hands the only one who didn't stare was Edward. His eyes held sympathy and sadness.

"Come on Adri just show us," Bella urges.

"Drop it Bella," I tell her.

"It can't be that bad," she reasures me. Yeah right.

"Bella I said drop it," I tell her sternly.

"Please," she whines what a brat.

"No," I tell her. She sighs.

"I'll show you mine mine's probably worse than yours," she brags. I glare at her.

"Yeah right," I mumble. She pulled out her wrist to show a bite mark.

"That's pretty bad," she tells me.

"No it's not this is," I pull out both of my wrists pull up my hair so you could see the other one and showed her my ankle.

"That's not that bad Adri you made a big deal out of nothing," she says waving me off.

"Oh that's not it," I growl. I lift up my shirt to show them my back so they could see the long scars that had been there for what felt like for ever.

"Where did you get those?" Emily questions softly. I pull my shirt down and face them.

"I got it when I went hiking one day and the doctor said I might never be able to walk ever again, I have a scar behind my ear where I fell on a branch and it tore my skin," I say showing them my ear.

"Is that it?" Bella grumbles probably angry that I out shown her.

"No," I lift up my shirt again to show the stab wound on my stomach.

"Ho...Wha...Wh..How?" Bella finally stutters out.

"Why your little boyfriend left you for only five months my beat me and finally one day stabbed me in the stomach because I witnessed a murder and he tried to kill me too. By the time they found me I had lost so much blood that I could die any second, but they gave me blood and here I am," I say finishing the story the short version I hated the long one.

"He did that to you?" Alice whispers looking at me.

"Yeah, there's more scars than that," I tell them with a shrug.

Jacob's P.O.V

I watched as my imprint showed us all of her scars each one making me angry and wanting to hurt the things that hurt her. But then I looked at Bella and that all went away I had to protect her. No are mate. I argue with myself. Bella! Adri! Bella! Adri! Bella is better and sweeter. You don't even know Adri enough to make assumptions. I fight back with myself the little arguement going on inside of my head was giving me a headache. But each side had a point but I still loved Bella.

"So we where thinking about going to this new club and where wondering if you wanted to go!" Kim chirps.

"Sorry guys but I have work that day," Adri says with a sad smile.

"Oh to bad well have fun!" we say and leave. We all climb into are cars and drive to the new club named Night Life yeah I know oh so origanl but I've heard it's amazing especially their dancers. I guess I'll be the judge of that.

Adriana's P.O.V

I quickly change and run to my car and drive to the club I work at since some group rented out the place for the night. I wonder who though? I get out and grab my bag and go through the back door to where the other dancers where who all smiled and said hey. I wonder what tonight's going to be like.

It's Better Being Alone (Jacob Story) *No Longer Working On*Where stories live. Discover now