My First DVBS Experience

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Last Tuesday,  I joined a Vacation Bible school as a volunteer. At first, I wasn't confident because I can't speak Tagalog well but God gave me courage.

I woke  up at 4:00 a.m. because the call time was 6:00 a.m. I took a bath and ate my breakfast, put on my shoes and off I went with my aunt and my mom.

We rode a jeepney. I loved the soft and cool morning breeze on my face. A few minutes later, I saw poor kids just about my age hopped on the jeepney. One boy seemed like he was burned from neck down. I felt bad for the kid because he has to wake up early just to earn money to buy food.

We reached our first stop -- the Lighthouse Church. When we got there, we saw  some guys  packing up the stuff we needed for the activities. When all the volunteers arrived, we set off for our destination.

When we got to the DVBS venue, I helped with making IDs, teaching action songs, distributing crayons and pencils, and distributing food. I felt happy that I was able to help kids learn more about Jesus.

When the program was over, we went downstairs and I was given a banana. I named it Mr. Banana (。◕‿◕。)Then, we went to a mall and ate lunch at BonChon. I learned that it was a treat from the Korean Pastor. "Free food tastes good!", I said.

My First DVBS experience has been delightful. I learned that I should be thankful for what I have because there are a lot of kids who are less fortunate. I felt happy that I could help kids learn more about Jesus and His love.

 Note:  DVBS means Daily Vacation Bible School

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