Chapter 1

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"Tell me why we're here again?" Ruby asked her partner Blake. "I mean, at the museum?"

"Because, they have uncovered ancient weapons that are older than Dust," Blake said with with an oddly excited tone for someone who is mostly an introvert.

Teams RWBY and JNPR are at a museum that holds ancient weapons from before Dust was found in Remnant. Ruby invited their sister team along so that her own team wouldn't have to suffer from being in a museum.

"That is impossible, Blake," Weiss said. "Nothing can be older than Dust."

"What about my family?" Jaune asked the Heiress. "We are from before Dust was discovered and we have evidence to support it. Now then, what's so important about these weapons?"

Jaune then saw a tarnished bronze sword with an illegible inscription, and what appeared to be a trident near the handle. Unknown to all, but Jaune, the sword gained a sea green glow... Almost as if it had an Aura.

" Jaune. Jaune?" Pyrrha asked the Arc Scion getting his attention and pulling his gaze from the sword. "Are you alright? You were looking at that sword for almost 5 minutes."

"Uh... Yeah, yeah I'm fine," Jaune said before looking back at the sword. "Where did they find this sword?"

Pyrrha then looked at a plaque and said, "This says that it was found in a temple a couple kilometers north of Mistral. Why?"

"...I don't know... It just, looks familiar I guess," Jaune said his ocean blue eyes slowing gaining a sea green tint to them.

Meanwhile, Blake, the only faunus of the group, was looking at a tarnished bronze statue of what appeared to be a woman, before she looked over at a bone sword and her eyes became slits as they gained some stormy grey.

"Blakey?" Yang asked knocking the Cat Faunus out of her trance. "You alright?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine," Blake replied not really paying any attention. "Where did they find this one? It appears to be made out of a Grimm Mask more than anything..."

She then read the plaque and it said, 'Bone Sword found in the Forests of Menagerie.'

Weiss was also looking at a tarnished bronze knife as an image of the Fall of Beacon flashed across the knife causing the Heiress to back up with a startled look on her face.

"Weiss?" Ruby asked her partner. "Are you okay?"

"I-I... I'm fine," the Heiress replied. "Thought that I saw something in the knife... I guess I was just seeing things."

Before Ruby could reply, a loud crash was heard as a civilian screamed out, "Grimm!"

Teams RWBY and JNPR then ran out of the museum and Nora asked, "What the hell is that thing?!"

The grimm was like every other Grimm in Remnant, same black body, bone mask, and red eyes, but this one had a humanoid body, the head of a bull and an axe in the shape of the last letter of the Greek Alphabet. This was ancient Grimm, one that can smell certain aura signatures and then it hunts down the ones it smells and it's called...

"A Grimmotaur," Blake said. "One of the most Ancient Grimm alive and only 1 has killed it before."

"Then how is it alive?" Weiss asked.

"Because this Grimm can reform on it's own and is just as intelligent as a young child," Jaune said. "My uncle, Theseus, has killed this thing about 5 times in his lifetime and now it wants me since it can smell my aura and knows that I'm related to the one who killed it before."

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