II. The difference in personnel's

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 The main reason for separating Adrian into three categories is so it's easier to explain the plots and scenario's that go on within my paracosms, because they usually consist of Adrian meeting himself from another alternate dimension who is wildly unlike himself. (go to pg.__  for information on the D.C.C )

It would be super hard to explain a scenario that's like "Adrian meets Adrian and Adrian told Adrian how shocked he was to see the difference between himself and the other Adrian." You see, it's really hard to tell the difference but if there's separate names it's easier to identify, obviously for me I don't separate them by names because I can literally see them and I'm the one creating the scenario's but if I really want to get my thoughts and show the world what it's like inside of a paracosm, 1st hand, it's probably a good idea to keep things organized.

Adrian is the official name of Aiden and Adam, and when I say Aiden and/or Adam I'm really just saying Adrian with the personality of Aiden or Adam, but they technically aren't different people per say. (to learn about Adrian life go to pg.__)

Aiden is the more reserved/ quiet type and has been through more drama and bullshit then Adam or Adrian. Don't get me wrong, Adam and Adrian have been through a lot and I'm not trying to downsize what they've been through, but I guess you could say that they were able to get over their trauma easier or in better ways than Aiden. Honestly Aiden just gets the whole shitstorm, and when something bad is happening in a specific scenario, you can almost always bet that it's usually happening to an Aiden personality. (to learn about Aiden go to pg.__)

Adam is the more lighthearted version of the two, he's usually very hyper and energetic or he can be just the adorable shy type. He is very altruistic as well as optimistic, and is the complete opposite of Aiden. (to learn more about Adam go to pg.__)

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