Chapter 17 - Kitty

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The next 2 days, I was so caught up in helping Granny and Mr Kingsley to put up the new hutch that we bought yesterday that I hardly had time to see Harry. Well what I do is mostly playing with the baby rabbits but...

By the end of the afternoon, I change into my bikini, put on a beach dress and run to the pond to meet Harry. And Thomas. I see them fiddling with a big rope, like the one used on the winch to lift up the bale of hay, and by the time I arrive, Thomas is climbing on the nearest tree to the pond. I can smell disaster...

-- You're going to break your neck, I say.

He looks down at me and sits on the branch he's on, one leg dangling from each side. He has the same smug smile on his face he had when he showed me how he could dance ballet.

-- Don't you worry Amy Pond, he says, I do that all the time at my folks'.

I purse my lips at the nickname and just shrug. I walk toward Harry who is holding the rope under the branch Tom is sitting on and go for a kiss. But he just gives me a quick peck and when I insist he step back and says:

-- Not now Kitty.

I scowl and go sit on the picnic table, arms crossed on my chest. "Not now Kitty", what the heck?!

I watch Harry trying to throw the rope at Tom, without any success. Of course, it's too heavy, he can't just throw one end hopping the rest would follow magically!

-- You're never gonna do it like that, I say.

-- Oh yeah? And why is that?

-- It's too heavy, I shrug.

-- She's right mate, says Thomas. Maybe try to coil it and send me the whole thing?

I look up to him a bit surprised. Hm, maybe stupid Thomas is not that stupid after all.

-- I thought you said it was too heavy, Harry replies looking at me.

-- Yeah but if you- Just do what he says, I sight.

I'm not in the mood to explain to him the difference it will make. But Harry proceeds as he's been told and eventually, after three misaimed tries, Thomas manages to catch the rope. Without falling off the tree, to my surprise. I am impressed by his agility...

-- How am I supposed to tie it now, asks Thomas while coiling the rope around the branch.

They have both turned to look at me.

-- Do I look like I know how to make sturdy knots?

-- Don't you know everything, little genius, smirks Harry walking over me.

-- I'm no genius, I reply

He takes my face in his hands and he lean over to kiss me. Well, it's about time! But I'm not really comfortable with Thomas watching upon us...

-- I do know better than you, though, I add as we part.

I take out my phone and search for a video on YouTube. I even find one about our very situation and Harry and I try to direct Thomas as to how to make the knot. Which end up being a very nerve wracking process!

-- Your other right, Thomas! And now you pass the end through the loop- Nooo, the loop!

-- There's 3 loops! Which one is it?!

-- The one you just made! On your right- no, that's still not your right!

-- Hey, I'm a dyslexic, okay! Stop yelling at me for mixing up my left and right.

He sit up straight on his branch and look down at me with a pissed face. I purse my lips.

-- Sorry, I mumble, I didn't know.

-- It's okay, he sights.

-- Maybe you should get up there Kitty, says Harry.

-- What?! No way, I'm not climbing on a bloody tree! No, we just have to find a way to...Show me your hands, I shout to Thomas.

He obeys and I see he's got a leather strap or something on his left wrist.

-- Okay, so left is gonna be bracelet hand...and right is bare hand. Does it works for you?

He blinks at me twice, looks at his hands, then back at me and nods. I'm not sure but I think I see surprise and maybe gratitude in his eyes. But he's far up, so I'm probably just imagining it.

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