What you do when it rains

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Nash- you'll cuddle and watch sad movies so he can hold you as tears fall from your eyes. You love starting fires and sleeping all day.

Cameron- he likes to take you to the beach and make out in the rain. Also, you need up with the rest of the boys and have a sleepover.

Matthew- he likes to go long boarding around town, go to small coffee shops and eat a bunch of food and be lazy.

Aaron- he treats you to a beautiful day as if it weren't raining. He will take you out to eat and usually an arcade or bowling ally.

Taylor- you two have do nothing but have sex. He puts "talk dirty to me" of loop as you have your rainy day in bed.

Gilinsky- he takes you to a fast food place and you rent tons of movies for the night. You and jack build a fort in the living room and pass out on the floor.

Shawn- you dance around the house in his tee-shirt singing songs. He joins in with his amazing voice, you make vines and just be fab.

Hayes- video games. That's it. You take small breaks for food and to use the bathroom. But, Hayes always passes out during the little intermissions.

Jacob- You usually have a headache and he is just in a bad mood on days like that. But, you make the best of it by cuddling until you both fall asleep in each others arms.

Johnson- he blasts his music an you and him rap for hours and end the day with stupid vines and food.

Carter- he is always next to you, constantly tickling you or playing with your hair. And you start many make put sessions every hour.

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