The tunnles

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My name is Cristina, I am 16 years old, and this is my home.

"I'm off to the tunnels." my father said trying not to make me worried. It didn't work. "Do you have to go?" I said concerned. Not many people returned from the mines, not alive at least. "You know I have to." father said. So he finished his dull, tasteless breakfast and went to the tunnels. I sat in our little hovel wondering what the surface was like, I didn't know it it was full of beautiful forest, or dirt and rubble. That question often kept me up at night. " Oh no it's almost quarter to noon! I'll be late!" I grabbed my bag and headed off. As I arrived, class has already started. "Miss Zerro!" my teacher said looking quite annoyed. "Sorry Mrs.Baker, I ..." but before I could say anything else, Mrs.Backer interrupted,"just DON,T do it again."

I nodded and sat down. all we learned were the basics;

math,sience,geology and astronomy. ( witch I find pointless because we never see the stars)

When I got home I couldn't find my father. "Dad?" I called out repeatedly, but there was no answer.

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