Day 7

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"Hey... End me now... Kill me now... Hey..." Izuku mumbled on the metal bed. His eyes now more relaxed but stayed as dull as the moment he snapped the day before. Heavy eyebags painted darkly under his eyes. He did not sleep that night, nor will he for the other nights. He refused food and water. All he did was stare into anyone, calling them weakly to end his suffering.

Toga had tried to tease Izuku. She missed his screams and look of resistance. More cuts and bruises were added to Izuku's collection but she didn't get any reaction. She was not sure if the boy no longer care about the pain or just plain numb to the core. Just a boy who wished to die. Oh well, this kind of Izuku is still entertaining to watch anyway. If the boy really died, she could just fall for another one.

At the moment, only Shigaraki is in the room with Izuku. His eyes had not left Shigaraki since he entered. His dry throat didn't stop muttering. Even with all this happening for quite a while, Shigaraki didn't mind. He was enjoying the boy's last moments and he will enjoy it until the end.

Shigaraki tore a wide smile on his face. Everything. Every single thing that's happening is going according to his plan. He knew his main target was never the poor hero, Midoriya Izuku. All this is for the symbol of justice.

All Might! Shigaraki thought to himself with malice. Soon, the pro heroes will find this place. No. Soon, that disgusting symbol of peace will find this place. All according to plan.

Shigaraki stopped his evil thoughts when he noticed something about the boy. He had stopped muttering and his eyes had averted away from him. It was as if they were looking into nothingness, deep in thoughts. Shigaraki had an idea of what was going to happen but stayed there watching sharply. He must not let the boy die. No, not yet.

As he expected, Izuku has found a way to die without using his arms or legs. It's the last resort and he's up for it. Izuku opened his mouth wide and gathered all the energy he had left to bite his tongue off.

Shigaraki who watched closely was quick to react. He quickly used a finger on each jaw to prevent Izuku from biting his own tongue. Izuku tried to fight the fingers in his mouth, but he was just too weak to make a painful bite. He soon gave up and cried some more.

"Oops, that won't do. You should not die now. What should I do with you, Midoriya Izuku?" Shigaraki taunted. "If you keep doing this, I might also have to take your teeth away."

Izuku only replied with more sobbings. All he wanted was to go home. Now all he wanted is to get out of this place, even if it means death. No, it doesn't matter anymore. He lost his arms and legs. Even if he go back, he can never be a useful hero. Guilt struck him again when he realized All Might has let his powers go to waste. All Might trusted his quirk to him and now he failed him. The feeling of guilt kept building inside him, as if possessing him. He felt himself tremble as the feeling consumes him whole.

"All Might! All Might!" Izuku cried. Not for help, but because of guilt.

"All that and you're still crying for that garbage? Now you've earned it, boy." Shigaraki snapped.

The pro heroes are running close as they battled low level villains along the way. They finally found the exact location of where the lost hero, Deku, was held. How they got that information was weird, though. It was as if the enemy kept it strictly hidden for days, then just gave the location out to them like that. It made them think that it might be a trap to lure them in. However, as soon as All Might heard the news, he quickly decided to come to the area, trap or not. He must save his precious boy. The boy he loved like his own son.

Several teachers followed All Might in the rescue mission. The whole class were fighting too after insisting to come along. They all missed the boy and wished for his safe return. It has been a week now and they just couldn't wait to embrace the green hero in their arms.

All Might was the quickest and the first one in line. All the villains who tried to block his way failed and ended up battling other heroes, may it be the pro heroes or Izuku's classmates.

All Might seemed most powerful today. Friends and enemies both could tell that he's furious and desperate. They could feel his worries just by looking at his face, but they'll never understand why like All Might does. They could never understand just how special Izuku is to him.

Every single villain was either instantly beaten down or passed through by All Might. His muscular figure barely visible with his inhuman speed.

Hang in there, my boy! I'm coming for you! All Might declared to himself.

All Might stopped at the sight of Toga and Kurogiri standing together in front of a wall. He prepared a battle stance but the two opened a way for him instead. He lowered his stance in confusion with a suspicious look.

"Deku is just behind this wall." Toga smiled sweetly as she patted the wall.

"We are not stopping you." Kurogiri stated.

All Might ignored them and broke the wall, his punch barely visible. He let himself in and first saw Shigaraki, already waiting for him. Knowing his priorities, his eyes quickly scanned the room for Izuku.

"Ah, welcome. I've been expecting you," Shigaraki started, but was already ignored by All Might whose eyes are now locked on a figure on the metal bed. He was horrified. He wanted to puke. The boy has no arms, no legs, and if he paid close attention to his bloody mouth, he got no teeth as well. Everything about the boy concerned him. Reds and blues decorated every inch of his body. He definitely lost a lot of weight by how visible his ribcage was on his chest. His eyes were half open but there was no light in them.

"It's too bad, All Might," Shigaraki continued, applying pressure on the hero's name with disgust. "He was a brave one. He was strong. Definitely a hard one to break."

All Might felt himself tremble as he approached the boy slowly, terrified of what he saw before his eyes.

"And we certainly had fun breaking him to the core. You should've heard him begging for us to end his life! He even attempted to bite his own tongue!" his evil gloating kept going on. "Oh, right. You can't."

All Might shuddered. He knew what happened. He knew what Shigaraki would tell him. He knew, but he froze there in denial.

"Because he's dead, you see." Shigaraki smiled ear to ear.

All Might brushed his hand by the side of the boy's head. His green hair was as soft as ever, but his skin was cold.

"How can you be so damn late? He just breathed his last one, you know?" Shigaraki laughed. "Oh, and his last words are amusing."

All Might didn't want to hear anymore of this, but that is just why Shigaraki gladly kept going.

"All Might never did come."

The mighty hero was heartbroken. He could no longer hide his misty eyes as tears started flowing down his cheeks. Oh, poor boy. What has he gone through to end like this? It was obvious how he struggled to keep his smile plastered on his face when all he wanted to do was grieve. If only he came faster. If only he could do something to prevent this. He placed the lifeless body on his arms and hugged them close. It was cold and stiff. The smile he had on his face finally broke and he wept, drowning in tears. Never has anyone seen him like this... and Shigaraki was the first.

It is done. This is what he wanted. Everything was in order. Now to finish the show, Shigaraki snapped his fingers and all the villains appeared. Toga and Kurogiri who were waiting outside also entered in a flash.

"This is the end, Symbol of Peace." Shigaraki smiled as he gestured to attack. All Might didn't move one bit.

"Goodbye, All Might." 


A distant figure of a person watched everything, far away from sight. Looking at the grieving man, they turned back and muttered softly what sounded like an apology.

"This kind of tragedy will not happen again, I promise. At least not for the other stories." they whispered and bid the readers farewell, disappearing into another dimension.


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