A Special Story from Finland

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Admin: yeah so It's about Christmas time... SO TAKE IT AWAY FINNY~

Finland: Okay! *smiles and pulls out a book* This story is called... *realizes there is no title* um... "The Magical, Merriful, Search of the Lost Santa," I guess. *has never read the book either* It is definitely a good book... *clears throat* Let's begin.

Once upon a cheery Christmas time, there was a little boy who wrote to Santa Claus every year! He never mentioned what he wanted, but instead asked for everyone else to be happy. This little boy's name was Danny, and he mentioned every bit of information there was about him in each letter. (That's a little unnecessary but okay!)
On one particular year, Danny had received a letter back from Santa! Within the letter, the big man in red had mentioned every naughty thing Danny had done that year. As he read, his happy mood slowly diminished until he was a miserable mess. He stayed that way for the next two months, until a week before Christmas. Then his attitude lifted just in case he could get at least one decent toy.

On Christmas day, Danny woke up extra early and ran downstairs to open his presents. However, there was only one present. The bright side on this single present was that it was large enough so that Danny could easily walk inside it. With a giant grin streaming across his face, Danny ran toward his gift and tore it open. As soon as the front was uncovered, the boy was sucked into the box. He tried to scream for help, but the box's power left him mute.

Falling into the seemingly endless hole, Danny soon grew bored and fell asleep. Oh what a mistake that was. For when Danny woke up, there was Santa Claus leaning over him. The boy was taken aback by this and wanted to jump, but he was strapped to a table. "S-Santa! What is happening? Why am I here?" With a jolly good laugh, Saint Nick replied "Oh, Danny my boy! Don't you remember my letter? I was watching you after you read that to see if you were truly a good boy! You proved me wrong, and I don't need you telling anybody about this!" A scream escaped Danny's mouth as he slid down the large throat of the cheery Saint.

Finland: *blinks a few times and closes the book* Okay.... um... I apologise! I should have read this.... story.. beforehand. Well, *cheers up* I hope you all have a jolly holiday!

Admin: *laughing his ass off*

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