Part 1 - Betrayal

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Credit to DiamondAuthority43 for the idea. You should go check out their story, called 'A Real Mother', I have been reading it lately, and I love the idea, so with their permission, I created this.

Anyway, on with the show!

Steven woke up, on a morning like any other. He woke up, yawned, stretched his arms, and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. He was about to make himself breakfast, when he heard two voices yelling at each other. After putting on his usual red shirt with a star in the middle, blue jeans, and flip flops, he walked down the stairs out of the temple. While walking past Lion, he waved.

"Good morning Lion!" Said Steven

Lion looked up at Steven for a second before looking back down and resuming grooming their fur. Steven kept walking, heading in the direction of the voices. After what felt like 5 minutes of strolling down the beach, he found the source of noise.

'Pearl? Amethyst? What are they doing out here?' He thought to himself when he got even closer, he ducked behind a rock, careful not to be seen.

"But I miss her! He doesn't deserve to be here! She should of come out of the Gem! Maybe it was a mistake... maybe Pink Diamond was just disguising as Steven! She should be here! Not him!" Yelled Pearl.

Amethyst spoke up. "Just let him be himself, P. Don't you remember? Pink Diamond is gone. It's just him now. I appreciate Steven for who he is. Not who he was. And you should too."

"But it's not fair. She should be here! He is just a lousy excuse for what she used to be! She is my Diamond, I'm supposed to protect her. Not take care of that terrible human we know as Steven. He shouldn't be here. Pink matters more!" Responded Pearl

Steven started tearing up. He ran. Her ran as far away as he possibly could. Away from that... defective Pearl. Away from the temple. Away from everything he used to hold dear. After successfully exiting the town without being spotted, he curled up into a ball. Why couldn't Pearl just let go of the past? Sobbing, he let drowsiness take ahold of him and drifted into sleep. Suddenly, he woke up. But not in his physical body.

He groaned. "Not this again...". Wait. He realized that he could take advantage of this. He could use this as an opportunity to contact someone. The only problem was who. He didn't know any members of his human family, and moving in with his dad would be to close to the Gems. Pearl could easily find him. No. He needed somewhere to stay that Pearl wouldn't think to look, and even if she did, wouldn't be able to get to him. Then the answer hit him. Homeworld. Maybe, just maybe if he could contact the Diamonds, he could get them to take him back to Homeworld. He focused, trying to remember how to get to Homeworld.

'Okay,' Steven thought. 'How did I do this last time? I thought of things that reminded me of... hmm... Diamonds. Umm... Yellow Diamond's sauna. Era 3 ball." All of a sudden, a light appeared in distant of space. He swung his hands forward, and he started floating towards Homeworld at an incredibly fast pace. Entering Homeworld's atmosphere, he landed on a bridge. Navigating his way through Homeworld solely through memory, he found the entrance to Yellow Diamond's chambers. He walked into her room, and found her still doing work, this time with a small smile on her face as she was talking with Yellow Pearl.

Steven floated up to where Yellow Diamond's shoulder pad was, and placed a hand on her massive arm.

"Listen, Yellow Diamond. This is Steven." He began. "I'm on Earth right now. I really need you and the others to pick me up. If you could, please bring me with you back to Homeworld. I'll talk more when you get over here."

Yellow Diamond bolted upright, and exited her room, hopefully going to inform the other Diamonds of what she heard. Steven's eyes closed, and he woke up again, this time back on Earth. The only difference, was that he must have been asleep for a long time. It was night. His stomach rumbled. He knew he needed food at this point. He snuck back over to the temple, waiting to see if the Gems were to leave the temple. Sitting behind a large rock, he waited. Minutes turned into hours, and he saw Pearl, Ruby and Sapphire exit the Temple, probably in search of Steven. This was his chance. He entered the temple, grabbed a bag of chaaaaps, 3 apples, a plastic water bottle and 2 changes of clothes, and stuffed them all into his hot dog duffle bag. Just as he was leaving, he heard footsteps. Amethyst emerged, and took notice of the fact that Steven was inside the temple.

"Steven?" Asked Amethyst

"Yeah. I'm sorry, Amethyst. I'm leaving. I heard what Pearl said about me, and I decided to leave. I'm going, and I will miss you, Amethyst. Just tell Garnet I'm sorry. And don't say anything to Pearl." Replied Steven

"Steven, if you are leaving, then I respect that decision. You have been through a lot because of Pearl, and if you can't take it any more, that is your choice. Goodbye, Steven. I wish you the best." She said.

"Thank you for understanding, Amethyst." Replied Steven with a smile."

"Goodbye, Steven."

"Goodbye, Amethyst. Thank you for accepting me for who I am."

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