Chapter One

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"Dad which room is mine again?"

"The one on the left sweetheart!"

"Why did we have to move to this hell hole."

"Because of work and your mother. Now watch your mouth too."

I stumble into my new room and sit my stuff down on the dusty furniture the previous owners left behind. I mean the furniture is in amazing condition, it's actually quite beautiful. I'm looking around my new room and see so many options on what I can do with it! I basically have a walk-in closet. I can put a sofa in that corner or maybe even a love seat! Ugh I can not wait for Ally to come see this.

As I head to go back downstairs I see him walk by. I have no idea who he is or why in the hell he's coming up to my door but I have dust all over me! I run down the spiral staircase and try to listen in on what him and my dad are talking about. I heard something about his name being Ashton maybe? Ugh what am I doing? I am no cowherd and I refuse to hide behind these boxes in my own house!

I try to walk ever so smoothly out from behind the boxes but I end up tripping and falling right into his arms.

"Wow, no need to fall for me, I am completely single."

"I am not 'falling' for you. I tripped."

"Well whatever you did, I feel as if I should introduce myself now... Hi, I'm Asher. Asher Cain."

"Nice to meet you Asher Cain. I'm Tessala Ryan. But everyone calls me Tess."

"Tess Very... unique. I like it."

"Thanks. I like your name too. Sounds like a bad boy name."

"Maybe it's because I am a bad boy."

Is he flirting with me? or am I just stupid? I really think he's flirting with me. Okay be a big girl and put yourself out there.

"Hey Asher... Would you possibly wanna go grab some ice cream and show me around?"


"Sure, as long as I can buy your ice cream." he says with a smirk.

"I mean if you really must. Let me just go grab my jacket and I'll be ready to go."

"Oh no, when she says that... that means she's gonna go COMPLETLEY change her outfit." my dad says while laughing.

"NO I AM NOT!" as I say running up the stairs.

I get into my room and grab my black jacket. I also tear open one of my boxes and spray myself with my favorite perfume; pearberry.

I run back down the stairs and try not to fall while doing so.

"Okay, I'm ready."

"Mr. Ryan do you smell something?"

"Why yes Asher. I do smell something... Could it be... ah it is. The pearberry perfume I bought for my daughter for her birthday."

"It smells amazing." says Asher looking at me with his beautiful brown eyes.

I blush and say "Alright can we go already?"

"Yes dear. But be safe, make good choices and don't forget about that pepper spray you have!"

"Bye dad. Love you too."

We leave my house and start walking on the sidewalk because we both live in town. I catch myself staring at him and look away but I'm pretty sure he caught me.

"No no. No need to stop gazing at me. Please continue."


"What I-I don't know what you're talking about. I was admiring the beautiful summer trees."

"Yeah okay. Whatever you say Tess."

"So what's it like living here? Are the kids nice? Anyone throw good parties?"

"TESS! I AM SHOCKED! A good girl like you wants to party? with me?"

"Ugh why does everyone think I'm such a good girl? I've literally been here for 45 minutes and already you think I'm a good girl."

"It's just the vibe you give off sweet pea. But I do like a girl who can do both..."

"Oooooh I see."

We walk into the ice cream shop and order our favorite ice creams. If you're a normal human being you're favorite ice cream is cookies and cream. Unlike Asher and his favorite is cotton candy with chocolate sprinkles. But that's neat, he doesn't care to be himself. We take our ice cream to go and he's giving me a tour of the whole town.

"Now this is my favorite spot to be in. Literally I come here everyday. I do all my homework here and everything."

"It's beautiful.... But I feel like I'm not the only girl that has sat here." I say forcing a laugh.

"Nope. You are the only girl I have ever been here with. I only bring people that I trust or that I'm drawn too."

"Does that mean you're drawn to me?"

"Honestly I don't know what it is... I saw you while playing my guitar on the front porch."



"Well don't be sad. It's not like that. You're really cool and I wanna be friends."


As we walk home we exchange numbers and ALL social media! We get to my house and he tells me goodnight. I go straight up to my room and notice something weird... one of my boxes is on the floor and there's a note. The note says:

"This town is more than you think... Keep Asher close and try not to go out alone... Or they will get you. Be safe... I love you my Tessie bear. - Momma"

WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL IS THIS?! MY MOM DIED FROM CANCER SIX MONTHS AGO. WHO IS THEY?! AND WHAT CREEP THINKS THIS IS FUNNY?! I am actually freaking out. I don't understand why this is in here. Did Mom grow up here? Or did Dad leave this note? Should I call Asher and ask who "they" is? Do I ask dad about it? I'm gonna ask Asher tomorrow at school maybe... wait, tomorrow is the first day of school for me. UGH NO. I can not handle this. I need to sleep. Maybe this will all go away in the morning...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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