chapter 2

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The rest of the week was series of studying and getting ready for the homecoming. I never actually was a part in it I just help organize it.

So I'm in my last period making flash cards ready for the bell to ring waiting for the day to be over when Luke Hemmings decided he wants to start a fight...

"Fucking leave me alone!" Luke yells from across the room standing up to face Jake. Jake also known as the big guy to stay away from.

"Haha what did you say kid?" Jake was twice lukes size hovering over him.

"I said fucking leave me alone." Right them Luke punches his right in the eye grabs his bags and runs out the door.

"Shit." I say and grab my bags and follow him.

"Luke stop running!" I yell catching up to him. Finally he stops and he just looks pissed.

"What- what happened Luke?" I ask putting my hand on his arm to keep him from running away again.

"He kept calling me gay and it didn't bug me until he kept doing and just FUCK" He yells throwing his book bag to the ground.

"It's okay." I assure him, "Let's go"

He picks up his bag and we go to his car. It only know occurs to me what is happening.

"Luke we can't skip school, what am I even thinking?!"

He laughs, "It's last period you will be okay, learn to live a little."

So I get in his car and close the door.

"Where to Ms.Emma?" He asks putting the car in reverse.

"I-i don't know I've never skipped school before and homecomings today and I need to make su-"

he interrupts me and says "Let's go to the bridge."

Him only being in this town since the beginning of summer he knows how to get around pretty well.

"So why did you start school in the middle of October if you've been here all summer?" I ask pulling out my phone.

"Oh, well I was at my Dads in Flordia right when school started, so it didn't really work out."

"Oh gotcha" I say texting my mom that I am staying after school later to work on the homecoming things.

He turns on "talk" by Kodaline.

"Oh my god! I love kodaline." I say and we both sing along to the song with the windows down and the cool air coming in heading to the bridge.

"I remember the good old days when you and me used to hide away when the stars were shining or the sun was blinding our eyes. Yeah you filled up my glass, with promises that will never last. But I still find pieces of you in the bad of my mind. All of the things that we once said are not in my heart there in my head." We sang and let all the emotions get washed over as we drove through the city not slow, not fast. but fast enough. Always the same speed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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