The Reality Of It All

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'How's she doing?' Jemilla asked as she entered the hut, sounding rather breathless as she had rushed to get her work done early in order to see her wife as soon as possible.

Ducker finished his routine of checking Zazzalil's wounds before answering Jemilla, 'She's still sleeping, but that's helping her body to heal quicker. Her fever has gone which is good but her leg is still very swollen and bruised so try to have her rest it for a while.'

'I don't know if she could sit still for that long.' Jemilla joked, the tension melting off of her as her mind was put at ease.

Zazzalil was going to be okay.

'You'll know what to do, Peacemaker.' Ducker said, placing a hand on Jemilla's shoulder comfortingly. He then turned and began heading towards the door.

'Ducker?' Jemilla said quietly causing the Shaman to stop and look back towards her.

'Thank you.'

Ducker gave a small nod of affirmation before exiting, leaving the couple alone in the room.

An air of silence fell over the hut as Jemilla stood next to her wife, listening intently to her steady breaths.

Jemilla's gaze drifted back over to her wife, who was currently lying on her bed after being moved from the table.

For once Zazzalil looked almost peaceful as she lay there wrapped in Jemilla's blanket and had it not been the result of an injury then Jemilla may have even described it as being domestic. Which is probably why she soon found that she couldn't stop herself from staring at the girl.

She felt lost in a daze as she moved closer and began to look at Zazzalil's features in more detail, something which she could never normally do since Zazzalil wouldn't sit still long enough for her to look at her properly.

Now Jemilla already knew what Zazzalil looked like after knowing the woman for years but since they got married Jemilla found herself looking at Zazzalil in a new light.

And now that she finally had the opportunity to look, she found herself noticing all the things she missed before.

Like the faint freckles that dotted her Zazzalil's button nose.

Or the thin, white line that ran along her chin.

Jemilla made a mental note to ask how it got there, and if Zazzalil was hiding any other scars.

Her gaze soon strayed away from the scar however when she realsied how perfect her wife's jawline was. It was sharp enough to radiate confidence but somehow it still retained a softness that forced Jemilla to resist the urge to run a finger along it.

How could someone be so insanely attractive and adorable simultaneously?

'You finished being creepy yet?' A voice said suddenly, startling Jemilla which caused her to jump back in fright as she was ripped from her thoughts.

Jemilla peered back down at her wife who now currently had one eye open as she smirked wickedly as Jemilla.

'Zazzalil! I thought you were asleep.'

'I was. But I got woken up.' Zazzalil said, propping herself up onto her elbows.

Jemilla suddenly felt guilty, 'Was I being too loud? God I'm so sorry Zazzalil, I didn't mean to-'

'Whoa, calm down J. You didn't wake me up.' Zazzalil interrupted.

'I had a bad dream.' Zazzalil said sheepishly as she started to pick at non-existent bits of fluff on the bed.

'The fever probably brought that on. Wanna talk about it?'

Zazzalil contemplated it for a moment before shaking her head, 'Not yet.'

Not yet. That's good enough for now. Jemilla thought.

'Here I brought you something to eat.' Jemilla said, changing the topic as she walked over to the table and returned with a small bowl of fruit.

Zazzalil practiclly tore the bowl from Jemilla's hands, 'Thanks J, I'm starving.' Jemilla took the opportunity then to sit down on the bed next to Zazzaili.

The bowl of fruit was emptied quickly as Zazzalil devoured all of its contents. Jemilla had to question whether or not the girl had even tasted the food since she basically inhaled it.

Once Zazzalil had finished eating, the room went quiet once more. Neither woman wanting to talk about what had happened.

'I nearly died J...' Zazzalil said almost like a whisper, shattering the silence.

'Like I could have been killed so easily. One second I'd be here and the next I'd be gone forever.'

The reality of what had happened seemed to have finally sank in as tears began to well up in Zazzalil's eyes.

'Hey. You're alright now. You're safe.' Jemilla said in reassurance as she cupped her wife's face, gently wiping the tears away as they fell.

'I'm sorry Jemilla.' Zazzalil said, her voice breaking as she launched herself into Jemilla's arms, ignoring the searing pain that ran through her body, and enveloped her wife into a tight hug.

'I just didn't want this to be over before it had even started.' Zazzalil said quietly, tears rolling down her face and onto Jemilla's shoulder.

'You're alive. That's all that matters.'

Zazzalil's grip on her wife only tightened as all the negative thoughts swam around her mind, filling her with fear. Jemilla could only sit there and rub Zazzalil's back in comfort, wishing that she could take the pain away.

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