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Within my dreams I have pulled at the seams of woman with beauty and mystery.

Her eyes I viewed, they unlike a tart.. Sad she is, a broken heart.

She flowed across the ebbing of my thoughts to greet me, humbled by her soul a fraught.

Her eyes; filled with a longing undying. Her tears; they streamed, she would never stop crying

She took her hand and bestowed a small message, one since lost past my adolescence.

A tilted head met the edge of my chest. My abdomen encouraged the pressure of her breast.

I embrace her meaning, this time not alone. Words; they rolled from her lips so bold.

She stopped her tears and begins to say, "Beseech me my King, and I am assured to stay."

"Please forgive me for such a harsh word, but I have come to warn thee about what has stirred. "

"Speak my name and I will tell you its truth. I dare not lie less I break a front tooth."

I lifted her form; as gentle as a dove, "oh my dear beauty... your name is Love."

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