【 two. 】

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Contrary to Veronica's firm attestations, New York is not actually "forever miles" away from Riverdale; it's only a 2-hour train ride away, in fact. Their cabin is somewhat cramped; their pair of seats faces a wall, marking the end of their car, but the privacy of having the cabin to themselves seems to make up for the limited space.

Thirty minutes into their trip, as an enthused Betty recounts her latest journalistic findings at the Blue and Gold while sharing a turkey sandwich with an attuned Veronica, their phones vibrate simultaneously. Immediately, Betty meets Veronica's eyes and they both nod and morosely agree in tandem, "Cheryl," before taking out their phones to confirm their suspicions.

"I feel like this very unsubtle reminder of Reggie's party tonight is aimed at us," Veronica mutters grumpily as they read Cheryl's latest entry in the Vixen group text. "I almost wish I could tell her that the whole reason we woke up at misery o'clock in the morning, on a Saturday, to take the first train to New York, is precisely so we could make it back in time for his stupid party."

Betty takes a pensive bite of her half of the sandwich and watches a moody Veronica open a personal text thread with Cheryl to type and send, "what are you-our cheer captain or parole officer?"

She could focus on the fact that Veronica so readily exchanges texts with Cheryl, or she could focus on the fact that those texts are probably not nice ones (that last one could be exhibit A), and she chooses the latter, to avoid that restless, uneasy feeling she associates with any Cheryl/Veronica interaction. "She wanted me to have a weekend practice," Betty comments a few seconds later.

This seems to grab Veronica's attention, and the girl turns to her with a frown. "Why?"

"Because apparently, my dancing skills are on level with those of dead bodies," Betty replies dryly, giving her friend a tight-lipped smile as Veronica instantly rolls her eyes and embarks on a firm rebuke of Cheryl's critique. While she picks up select portions of Veronica's impassioned soliloquy ("...in allowing her misguided, ignorant opinion of you override what should be an objective evaluation..."), Betty notices Veronica shiver a bit as she speaks, which leads her to examine the girl's chosen attire for the day-an impeccably-tailored dark grey dress with forest green details, paired with somewhat sensible (for Veronica) calf-high, low-heeled boots.

"...and it's a symptom of deficient leadership to allow oneself..."

On anyone else their age, especially from their town, this outfit would raise eyebrows. Indeed, during Veronica's first day, it was only her blinding confidence and matter-of-fact approach to her sophistication that made everyone immediately accept that of course Veronica Lodge would wear a glamorous cocktail dress to school, as though she were going to some lavish event afterward no one else was invited to. Betty has, in the past, put quite a lot of effort into blending herself into the Riverdale High crowd as seamlessly as possible, hoping social invisibility would keep away the likes of Cheryl Blossom. Veronica, obviously, has no such impulse, so whereas Betty has many times hoped the earth would do her a solid and maybe swallow her up so she won't have to face the world, Veronica's every choice in dress and demeanor broadcast the fact that she has no desire to hide. So, on her first day, and every day after that, there were pearls and expensive purses and high-scale shoes, and yet no one ever thinks that Veronica is overdressed.

"...and I think, honestly, that not only are you just as great as anyone else there, but you are also, in fact, one of the best in the entire..."

As Betty ponders on Veronica's self-assuredness and the way she carries herself, her eyes turn their focus from Veronica's clothes to the rest of her. To the curve of her smile, so often illuminated by traces of that self-possession instilled by privilege. To the dark, magnetic quality of her gaze. To the strong eyebrows, the bold lip.

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