Chapter 36: Beginnings

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"Endings make the best beginnings."


Your hands trembled anxiously, your knee bouncing up and down to no particular beat as your blue gaze stayed locked on the chestnut-haired man in front of you, stomach churning uncomfortably as you struggled to calm yourself down. The rays of the early morning sun had already begun to sweep throughout the palace, pushing away the darkness of night that once surrounded you.

You didn't know what to do at a time like this.

After the events that occurred last night, you couldn't stop yourself from being anxious and uneasy. You had spent the entire night sitting outside of Taehyung's bedroom, waiting for any kind of information about his well-being.

Your mind instantly flashed back to that horrifying moment when the young prince ran himself through with the sword.

A loud, inhumane roar was all that you could hear as blood stained his royal garments, his body falling down at your feet...

You remembered how fast all of you jumped into action, checking on Taehyung and trying desperately to find a way to save his life before he lost too much blood.

Thankfully, Namjoon and Jimin had not lost their wits among the chaos and they managed to get him back into the palace, waking up every available physician they could find on their way. They didn't allow you to go in...Jimin said that there was still a possibility that Anubis was trying to trick everyone...and so you stayed outside the entire night. Alone.

After a few hours, one of the physicians had come to check up on you and make sure that you weren't physically harmed, but you simply brushed him off...telling him that you were fine.

Which wasn't technically a lie.

You were fine physically....but were struggling.

It changes you....watching someone you love try to take their own makes your mind somehow go over every single memory you had with them in a single moment. You remember the first words they spoke and the last....You remember the first time you laughed together, the first time you cried together and the first time you fought...It was amazing to you how such a brief amount of time could send such a giant wave of emotion through you.

You wished that you could be angry with him. You wanted nothing more than to blame him for trying to end his own life...but you knew why he did it.

He did it for you.

He did it to finally kill Anubis.

He knew that once his body was weak, Anubis would no longer be able to inhabit him and he would not have enough strength to take over someone else's body.

Taehyung sacrificed himself....for his kingdom.

In that moment the arrogant king that you had known... had disappeared, and a new, better man was born.

He overcame his own expectations.

He overcame his doubt.

He overcame his pride.

And he had defeated the evil god, Anubis.

All the waiting you had done was beginning to take it's toll on your mind...countless questions and worries were all that passed over your train of though throughout the entire night...You thought you wanted to know how he was...

But as you locked eyes with couldn't bring yourself to ask any questions.

You were scared of the answer he would give you...You were scared that he was going to tell you that there was nothing anyone could do and that Taehyung had passed in the night...You were scared that you would have to go into his room and look upon his dead body.

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