Challenge 2 -Fun times

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Challenge 2 - Write a chapter in which a character is abused for their sexuality.


Life hated James’ guts.

That was the only viable explanation as to why reality was hitting him with one bowling ball of a problem after another , not only was this the year of the O.W.L.’s , which meant pressure from everyone that was remotely related to him to do well but there also was ,as he had so cleverly dubbed it : the Scorpius situation .

Not that he hadn’t enjoyed the little … Tête-à-tête he had had with Scorpius , but this complicated things tenfold , he had always been known as a ladies man  incapable of holding a relationship for too long , and now there was a chance that he was ,well, a man-eater.

It was weird he didn’t see himself as one , he had never even remotely considered that he would be attracted to men , not with all the guys he knew growing up .

But if he really was gay, and if he came out with the fact, his street credit and levels of respect would plummet .Most lads didn’t see gays as, well, as actual men , he had seen numerous examples of how gays were seen among muggles which was as freaks of nature and liars, and wizards weren’t that different .

The fact that people would not only judge and have expectation of him because he was the saviour’s son , but also judge him for being gay, and,  in the eyes of some, a disappointment, terrified, what was worse, keeping his sexuality a secret could not even be an option now that Willow knew. He trusted the short girl with his life at time, but she ruthless when it came to jokes and he had seen her do worse to people who were either ,in her opinion , ‘asking for it’ or those who were ideal victims for her elaborate pranks . She could be the sweetest darling at times, but could also be a crazy b!tch and not even know at a lot of other times.

Now he was in the Gryffindor boy’s dorm sitting in a little corner of the main room, trying, and failing, to focus on his potions homework and forget about Scorpius and the entire deal with him.

Finally he gave up and just sat, staring at the wall, trying to make heads or tails of the situation.

That was, until Noah Rapier walked into the room, immediately draining what little was left of James’ positive energy until all that was left was dread and resignation.

Noah was a nice enough guy, but he was the captain of the quidditch team, and considered excellent at the sport which James hated him all the more for. He just seemed to be too bloody perfect at everything James wasn’t, and the only thing James had managed to be better than him in was women, specifically Jesse, they had both fought over her and his greatest triumph had been when she had chosen him over the much bigger much more handsome guy.

Because of this they had become bitter rivals and James felt nothing but sheer despair and annoyance sink in as he saw the fellow Gryffindor heading in his direction with the expression of a deranged bull on his face.

“Oi! Potter!”

James quickly glanced at him, doing his best to childishly ignore him, and sulkily then tried to refocus on his homework.

“The hell do you want Noah?”

“I want you to go and flipping apologizes to Jess.”

James sighed ,this was the fifth person  that had come up to him that day asking about the break up , honestly he didn’t know if actually was an actual breakup .In his mind they had just, drifted apart the past few weeks, and it had eventually been the best option to take a break but know that almost everyone he knew was buzzing around him like flies about ‘the IT couple breaking up’ and about how , just after the whole shebang , he had gone onto the bathroom with Scorpius to have a private conversation / intense face lick session , although no one apart from Willow knew about the latter , and he was sure she was saving that little golden nugget of information for a later date .

“We both agreed to take a break, although that’s none of your business” he paused and as Noah turned to leave, couldn’t help but adding “You should still stay away from her, Rapier, she’s still my girl.”

The dirty blonde chuckled darkly at that “Oh no, she’s not, not if five minutes after you break up with her, you go off to shag a f!cking Hufflepuff in the bathroom.”

Panic, apprehension, and the tiniest bit of indignation at the fact that the house of whoever he shagged mattered forced him to stand up, quickly enough to knock the chair back and take a step towards his noble challenger .After taking a deep breath breathed out an enraged “What the actual f!ck do you think you’re talking about Rapier?” making sure to step on his toes and spit in his face, trying to gain control of the situation.

Noah smiled, rearing for a fight and took a step closer to him making them almost face to face. “You and that pansy Malfoy went to have a ‘private conversation ’in the bathroom” he scoffed pushing James by the shoulder, roughly, making him stumble back and spit out “Bloody fags.”

At that, James lunged at him, however the larger boy easily countered his attack and pinned him to the wall by his shoulder, leaning on it painfully.

People were starting to notice, had been for a while , and were starting to surround them and , out his peripherals saw Jessie steadily avoiding them and trying to corral all her friends to leave the room however the excited titters indicated they were having none of that . The hand pressing against his shoulder was starting to numb his arm and he squirmed. Seeing him struggle, Noah punched him in the gut and using the momentum of the recoil to push him to the floor and put his foot on James’ chest.

 The crowd was becoming louder and more raucous now , cheering for either person although everyone knew that this was a fight that James wouldn’t win . Ignoring the pain in his shoulder and chest James managed to spit out “You mind your own f!cking business Rapier -”

The pressure on his foot increased and he lost his breath for a minute but struggled and continued “W-we talked about homework and nothing else .” He was hoarse and humiliated and while the pain wasn’t unbearable, it was distracting and annoying and the blow to his ego and confidence was more than enough to compensate.

Noah smirked and rolled his eyes, clearly enjoying the attention this was gathering “It becomes my business when you ditch the loveliest lady in school to go and have a d!ck shoved up your ass”

 He bunched up James’ shirt in his fist and hauled him up from the floor and up on his tiptoes as if he was a ragdoll , which infuriated the smaller guy more and punched him flat across the face ,causing his head to snap back painfully  . He forced out a pained choking noise, which excited the crowd even more. They were merciless, a sea of blurred faces that he could make out , screaming for blood and excitement , at least that was how it seemed to James , in reality some were cheering Noah on , some were demanding a fair fight, some were telling him to go easy on him and some were yelling at others to be quiet . But everyone was making noise causing Gryffindor to become a yelling swarm of teens, giving James a headache to add to his increasing list of problems.

However Noah still managed to be heard while still keeping his voice eerily calm. “You know , I’ve had it up to here with people looking at you as if were the saviour , well now here it is , for everyone to see , you’re nothing but a stupid pathetic little faggot .” by then  he had ended up on the floor with him , and punctuated every word with a blow to James’ increasingly bloody face .

And that was the last thing James heard from his assailant before a strong pair of hands  , probably those that belonged to Gryffindor’s head of house , pulling Noah off him and then , he was hauled up on his feet by those hands , but by then it was less of coherent noises and sound and more of a psychedelic roar with bright lights and weird swaying motions , and James Sirius Potter fainted like the damsel in distress he was .


Jame is not manly in this chapter. This isnt the most fun chapter but it introduces us to naoh and James' more vunreable side and the fact that willow has a reason for being slytherin, she can be EVIL when she wants.But my poor baby got beaten up :(.

Btw can you guys guess who the head of house is ? 

ANd for those of you wondering , im not a hardcore potterhead or anyhting , i just fell in love , with , willow and i went along with it .

Stay beautiful and amazing.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2014 ⏰

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