Chapter 27

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Trigger warning: this chapter is darker but I felt I needed to bring up these facts to make it clear how life was for Gem. 

The next day seemed like just an ordinary day. Gem went to the university and agreed to meet up with John after her lectures. She was exhilarated to spend even more time with him.

Although they saw each other every day, she always wanted to see more of him, to spend some time together maybe just chatting although Gem wouldn't have minded making out either.

However, when she exited the university, John's gorgeous face wasn't the first thing she saw, although it sure was a familiar face. She hadn't seen him in a while, but she would recognize those blond curls and blue eyes anywhere.

After all, they had been friends for years before everything went wrong. Even to this day, she couldn't help but wonder if it was her fault in some way if there was anything she could have done differently.

They didn't leave things off on the friendliest terms, so it was strange for Gem to see him looking at her as if she was someone close to him. Once upon a time, she thought they were close. She thought they were friends, but learning that she was wrong was one of the most painful lessons in her whole life.

She decided to head for the gate, after all, it was a big university, maybe it was a coincidence he was standing there, obviously waiting for someone.

As she headed for the gate, he hurried in her direction before she got the chance to escape. Facing him wasn't something she wanted to do, but it was obvious that it would be something she would have to do.

"What, no hello for your favorite guy?" He said with a smirk that was more evil than anything else.

"What do you want Luke Cane? Don't you remember that we are no longer friends?" Gem said.

"We were never JUST friends," Luke said.

She couldn't believe that he was still under the same delusion that he was at the time. There was never anything between them but a friendship, however, he tried to convince her, well convince would be a mild world, that there was a lot more between them.

As she was staring at the stubborn man she once called her friend, John started approaching them. It was clear that Luke wasn't backing down, and she had no idea what may or may not happen after that.

Long ago, she had concluded that something was wrong in Luke's head, something wasn't working properly, and unfortunately, the focus of his delusion was Gem.

She hadn't seen him in a while, and she hoped he was getting better, but seeing the fire in his eyes as John approached her, she was sure that at that very moment he was at his worst.

"Are you ready to go?" John asked Gem upon reaching her giving only a cursory glance to Luke.

"She is staying here with me!" Luke yelled at John.

"And who are you?" John asked, trying to sound calm although he didn't feel calm at all.

He didn't like the look of the guy, and it was evident he was making Gem uncomfortable.

"I am her boyfriend, of course," Luke said with certainty.

Before Gem or John had time to say anything, stunned as they were, Luke was already closing in on John staring him down in anger.

"Don't think I didn't see what you were doing with MY girlfriend at the river bank. You shouldn't have done that! No one kisses my girlfriend!" Luke yelled with a familiar glimmer of rage in his eyes.

"I am the love of her life! Always have been and always will be!" He said in a challenging voice.

"How could you do that to me?!" He said, turning on her next.

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