Chapter 3: Pseudo [Red Gate]

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~At a forest outside the city walls~

"God, it's so tiring hunting for wild gates."

A girl with a fiery red hair holding a bow equipped with leather armor lazingly said to her subordinates.

"But big sister, general Merlin said to hunt wild gates while they conduct a siege to the city of Pasig that is now over run by monsters."

Said a young man behind him.


The red haired girl wacked the boy in his head by her bow.

"I said it was tiring, I did not say that we should stop now. Even though it is tiring orders are orders and wild gates are still gates. Releasing the city from one of these threats is a mission given to us Knights."


Replied and stood up straight like a soldier answering to his superior while his head was aching.

They started moving again, continuing their hunt for a wild gate.

~Somewhere outside the the city walls~

*Slashes forward*


*Series of stabs*

*Stepping back*


*Slashes 270° horizontally*

Trees around the boy are suddenly about to fall down.


Trying different kinds of moves a boy holding a short sword was stabbing and slashing the air like he was one with the sword, beautifully moving without any unnecessary movement.

"My body is still not accustomed to combat. A real practical combat should do the trick and really help me familiarize."

He stopped and put back his sword back to it's sheath.

Looking back, this is the first time he used a sword in this life. Even though used a short sword in his past life, it was only until he was a [Rank 3 - General] but later on change into dual wielding two magical guns that looks like a futuristic desert eagle by an enchanter who studies the field of magical alchemy.

"Looks like I'm ready". Closing his eyes then focusing mana in it he opened them again activating his [All Seeing Eye]. This is one of the ability that originally made by Primo by theorizing of putting mana directly in to the eye nerves.

The outcome of this ability is perceiving the flow of mana in the environment but be informed that putting mana in the human system is dangerous, one misstep can make the mana can explode inside your body killing you.

Before succeeding of perfecting it the [All Seeing Eye], Primo was blinded many times using this ability but because he can heal it afterwards he perfected it by series of usage.Looking everywhere, and finding a large dose of mana concentration that looks like a gate he went to scout.

After searching for a while he found mana gathering in a place that looks like a gate is about to open 10 kilometers away from here.

~Back in the forest~

"Maybe we should rest for now and later on resume the hunt."

They putted down all their equipment thus the [Rank 1 -Squire] Knights divided themselves, some began to look for some dry branches to make campfire and some where starting to prepare the food they're going to make. This is one of the main jobs of the Squires, so even without orders they will start doing this.

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